Last One Standing 21 TVB

Watching Last One Standing Episode 21 right now and will have Episode 22 up and running in a few mins too.. ! awesome..!! for those who are dying to watching the final episode of Last One Standing like myself.. just hop over to my entertainment blog .. and watch it directly there.. or look for the links to download. Enjoy..!

It’s Another Friday


Yes..! it’s another Friday.. and here we have Chloe getting ready for school in the morning. As usual.. she is good… a wee bit fussy.. but not a pain. She does like school a lot afterall and if you are wondering about her evaluation in school, they didn’t set up a meeting .. till PB wrote to her teacher asking for a date. She got a date and it is at the end of the month .. before they would see us… because apparently 3 teachers need to be there. The teacher herself, Mrs Fuller and the language therapist… WOW..!! i hear yer say .. right..?? my thoughts and feelings exactly. Chloe is about 4 yrs and 9 months.. and they need 3 teachers together to speak with us..?? about 1 problem. I hate to see who we need to face.. when chloe is 16 *slap forehead* but having said that.. i guess they do have their reasons.. but i just wished they would have given Chloe more time.. than to jump into an over-zealous mode.

Chloe is far from slow.. just the other nite.. we were watching a chinese show.. and she said to me .. ” mama are they drinking CHAMPAGNE..?? ” Can die or not..?? I don’t even think i knew how to pronounced the word ” Champagne” at 12 yrs old.. ! At 12 .. i was pronouncing “failed” as “filled”.. ok .. i rest my case.

Last One Standing Episode 20

I can’t wait..!! i have to watch Last One Standing Episode 20 like now..!! i bet you feel the same way as I eh..?? Check at my entertainment blog for the link.. and you know i will have it there as soon as I have the links. As much as i like watching right away.. i also noticed that by downloading it .. using the high def Real player to watch. .it’s is just like going to the movies.. so if you want to download it yourself.. let me know. and i’ll give you the link to it.

Fall Fashion For Mums


This was listed in the Fall Fashion at Stylehive about 3 weeks ago. Had I known about Stylehive at the time I would have bought this since it was less than USD $30, but now it is not available anymore. What a bummer! It’s not always possible for me to up and leave the store and go shopping, but I’m always trying to stay on top of things and stay trendy too. After all, being a mum doesn’t mean that you need to be frumpy and wear a housecoat all day even if you are a stay at home mum. Like all mums around the world, we look for stylish things that are affordable and fit into our household budget so we don’t overspend.

The Fall Fashions at Stylehive are actually a collation of hip and cool items from people from all over the world who want to share their findings with you. It is constantly updated and helps women like me to stay informed and get the best buys. You find not only fashion wear but home cuties and other fun stuff there, anything that’s hot and fresh can be found. I might not be able to afford the latest Bottega, but it’s always good to know where I can get a good price when I do want one.

The Four Episode 19

I have the link to watch The Four Episode 19 and if you are waiting to watch it .. just hop over to my entertainment blog ok.. please leave comments if you want the links for Gem of Life.. because i heard they are only for invited viewers. The uploader .. does not want to do a public thing for it.

I’m On A Mission Too!

I’m currently focusing on 2 missions .. and one of them is to get back the back dated child tax benefits for Chloe from the day she was born. I had called a month ago .. and Child Tax Benefit folks had told me that everything was in order.. but you see i know it wasn’t. They still have Chloe’s money from the day she was born .. till she was 7 months. They only paid us for 12 months.. and not more than that. And I know they couldn’t have had given us the money .. because i didn’t file my taxes for 2003 for i wasn’t even making any money in Canada ( not like I am now).

This morning, we hit jackpot.. and spoke with someone who knew what i was talking about and walked me thru’ what i should do next. So we will go from here. My second mission is to get all the money that we had spent when I was having Chloe.. during my pregnancy .. for we had to pay cash for everything and anything.. and even when i had to visit the pre-natal clinic on a monthly basis .. i was made to pay for a foreigner price plus doctor’s fee separate. So yes..!! money to be claimed.. and i intend to get it. If anyone of you knows me.. you know how determined i am. Wish me luck… eh ..!!!

Thanksgiving & Baptism

We just had our Thanksgiving a few days ago .. and was invited for a baptism this year .. and a BBQ .. my favorite by Keegan’s parents. We felt we needed to be there for it .. because Keegan and her parents.. came for Chloe’s birthday .. even though we had the worst snow storm last year and had been always good to Chloe. Keegan’s mum always said.. that Chloe will always be family .. that was so nice. .and generous of them. We had a spread that day.. and it was fun.. Keegan’s dad even made me some steak.. but i already had too much. I should really steal some of their Thanksgiving recipes, that way .. i can make my Christmas dinner a success this year.

Writing Exercises


These days.. Chloe have to do homework, like writing and recognizing words. I had always thought or made to think that “primary” was kindergarten but I was wrong. Apparently, here in Canada.. or in my daughter’s school.. they expect them to know stuff already. I don’t remember doing this already .. so I am now in kinda of panic mode. I feel really, really bad .. because when chloe fussed up after a long day of school..and i still make her practice writing.. I get upset with her.. and raise my voice. And she would cry and come hug me and say.. “don’t shout at me .. mama! i love you .. you know!”


She is really such a good kid.. and took to school so well.. and yet.. now we have to force her to hurry up.. and learn all these things.. when we could have paced her out properly.. and didn’t. Most days.. i feel like smacking myself.. for listening to “some” people that pre-school wasn’t necessary.. and she will get taught .. once she gets into “primary” school. I’m torn in between pulling her out of “primary” school now.. and putting her back one year in pre-school.. and then go back in next year. Yet.. the school evaluation teacher has yet to call and it’s already Thursday..! *sigh* ..! and kinda upset..!

Allergy Free

Like any parents around the world we all want what is best for our kids. Keeping our environment and our home allergy free is one of the most important things you can do for the kids. Many people are not aware that they may have one of those Allergy Mattress that our kid is sleeping on every night. With up to 10 million dust mites in a mattress, you would be shocked if you could see it with your naked eye. These dust mites can trigger asthma and other allergy attacks, and as parents we really don’t want to see that happen. If you are in the Texas area you can check out Dalworth because they are experts in helping you eliminate those dust mites and more. It’s locally owned (meaning they care) and they can help.

My Joy More Than Hers

Chloe loves to see me pick her up from school. According to PB .. she never do this.. when PB goes alone to school and pick her up. But to watch her.. running towards me .. so happily and her face lighting up.. gives one such a wonderful feeling. Any parent would be delighted .. and feel awfully blessed. It is more my JOY than hers.. when i see her.. she just donch know yet.