Run For Councillor

It is funny .. when you own your own business… and you chat with other business owners.. when there is news about how the town is being run. Obviously, not many business owners are happy with the things are. Just the other day.. the local papers were running the same news about tourism being beyond worst and as usual.. with us.. when another owner comes by our store.. we yak.

And we discussed.. and we cursed. .and we laughed. .and we make fun of stuff.. that are quite obvious. .. but no one wants to do anything about. And me being me.. of course.. had my say.. and guess what these owners who were at my store said..??

If you run for council.. i’m gonna vote for you .. muahhahahaha!! this is too funny..!! Why would they think that i can run for council ..?? maybe i talk too much eh..?? or the loudest in the crowd..??? Well.. whatever it is.. we sure need either some new blood in the council.. or some “rotan” .. !!