Not So Generous Now


We’ve always taught chloe to be thrifty and the value of money but also how nice it would be if one was generous. A few months ago, Chloe gave away her baby tricyle that her grampie had bought for her to the babysitter’s niece because we were spring cleaning. Chloe had generously given her very nice tricycle – not the one in the picture .. just because she wanted to do something nice for that toddler – although we can definitely sell it at our store for at least $20. But since she wanted to give it away.. we didn’t stop her either.

So when it came to this old dingy and dirty looking tricycle that we had bought for her a yard sale for $10, we had thought nothing about it.. and wanted to give it away too. But this time, she didn’t wanna even let someone have it.. *roll eyes* .. and insisted that she can still ride on it. Why the change of heart..?? I’m guessing it had to be the bad experienced that we had with the babysitter’s niece’s parents “a-hole” experience. You think the kid is too young to understand..?? i think not. Chloe is very sensitive to this kinda things.. she picks up.. on things like that.. and she doesn’t even want to have anything to do with “certain” ppl. So be very careful how you behave in front of your kids.. they pick up all too quickly.