My hiatus reason is due to the fact that after telling my worker on one Sunday and spending an hour with him teaching him what we thought were obvious mistakes not to be made EVER again, the same worker just “apa tidak” and would have made the same obvious mistake that we are trying so hard to avoid, if i wasn’t there.. and didn’t spot the mistake. On top of it, he was still blasting the music, making excuses for things not done or done wrongly… and for several shift he is on.. he was in the washroom at least 15mins at a time.. and several times a nite .. having to lock the store.. and losing our customers for us. And it is not just once or twice that he did that.. it’s like almost every shift. Today, he even came back to the store, just to use the toilet when he didn’t feel like working.
Customer do not wanna wait 15mins for the staff to go to the toilet, and not just once a day .. mind you.!!
We can bear that he is a slacker.. but he was also making the same mistakes over and over again.. like the other
worker we had.
Today, he told another worker that he didn’t feel like working even though he was on standby.. so i told my worker .. not to get him in.. if he doesn’t wanna work. Why should i pay someone who doesn’t wanna work at all..?? i rather do it myself.
The ppl we have working for us are just incorrigible..! And i take my hats off to the toilet worker of ours..! For someone who is too lazy to work.. but is able to come back to the store to use the toilet..! Just too funny..!!