Chicken Gyoza

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Guess what i found on Friday nite at the supermarket..?? Chicken Gyoza..!! i should have bought more than 1 box…!! i hope they have some more on Monday..!
Yummy.. as usual..!! would have loved some vinegar and ginger with it.. but they came with another kinda sauce.. bummer..!! but beggars can’t be choosers right..?? hehehehe!! i should be thankful..! yup..! that i should..!

Daily Updates – 22nd December 2006

  • Chloe slept at 12.15am last nite, without any fuss.
  • I woke her up at 4.21am because i was worried she might overflow and wet herself. So gave her some milky and peepee changed her.. and true enough.. she was overflowing.
  • Didn’t fussed that much and went back to sleep almost immediately. Hopefully, she stays down.. and let Papa BoK get some rest.
  • Woke up at 8.21am, had some milky and went back to sleep at 9am.
  • Woke up at 9.38am. Bummer. Woke daddy up at 10am so that mummy can go back to bed, of course breakfast first.
  • Played with daddy and daddy cooked lunch for her, rice and pork chop and some corns.
  • Fussed right up when mummy fed her.. but not so much for daddy and daddy ended up feeding her instead
  • Had some milky and went down for a nap at 3.50pm and woke up at 4.40pm.
  • Headed to Grammie’s right away and had noodles for dinner at Grammie’s.
  • Had Grammie’s birthday cake for dessert and some macaroons from Grampie.
  • Played and jumped alot at Aunt Helena’s.
  • Came home at about 9pm and watched a movie while waiting for the bathroom to heat up .. and daddy bathed her and gave her some milky.
  • Daddy fed her cereal too late .. because she didn’t wanna sleep.
  • Finally slept at 1am.
  • Unwelcome Visitor

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    Seriously, I donch understand why some ppl from this small town.. cannot understand… that i do not welcome them at all to my blog???!!!?? Do you really have skin thicker than an elephant..??

    They still search for my blog over the net .. and try to find out what is going on in my life..! Donch you have a life..?? donch you have nothing better to do..??? Get a life and get outta my blog.. why the fuck would you wanna read about my life.. and what’s happening in my life..??? If you do not know by now.. i know who comes and go from my blog..and everything i need to know about you. I can find out who you are .. you know…?? it is very easy..! you dumb fuck..!

    Yes.. you can choose to carry on visiting my blog.. but i can also choose to post your fuck face on my blog if i so desire.. like you desire to view my blog. You know who you are.. and i know who you are.. so stop playing games.. and leave me alone. I gave you fair warning.

    Continue reading “Unwelcome Visitor”

    25 Months Old

    My Dearest Chloe,

    You have just turned 25 months old a few days ago. Mummy loves you more and more each day and everyday, I can’t wait to come home from the store.. to see you .. and to be greeted by your loud squealing of “Mummmmmy…! or Dadddyyy..!!” You are such a joy .. to see at the end of a long day for us.

    You’ve grown so much in terms of speech.. and eating. You eat so well now.. with your noodles.. and rice.. and you just love Tim’s yogurt so much. You’ve also learnt to recognise alot of ppl now. .and can even call “sarah” by her name.. as soon as you go into the store.

    Overall, you are a very good gal. .except for not wanting to sleep the whole nite still. Just the other day.. you fell outta your toddler’s bed.. and boy ! was mummy freaked out. Good thing Daddy woke up to calm both you and I down.

    Continue reading “25 Months Old”

    New Toque

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    Chloe had been playing with her new toque since this afternoon. This was taken at about 11pm this evening while she was having some cereal. This is a Christmas present from either Sarah or Katelynn. She loved the toque so much.. she kept putting them on .. the whole day.
    Continue reading “New Toque”

    Flight Plan

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    Call me biased or whatever.. but as far as i am concerned .. anything with Jodie Foster in it.. would be good. And yes.. it was good. 🙂 But the trailer made it looked more interesting than it was.. and the plot seems to be thicker.

    Staff Evaluation

    We finally did staff evaluation for all our employees .. especially dear Sarah, who had been so patiently waiting for us to do it. She had been so understanding.. we donch know what we did .. to deserve someone as good as her..and her family members, nothing like some parents that we know. Sarah’s parents and family were so different from another.. you wouldn’t even believe it.

    The rest of the evaluation went good too.. and we told our workers what we expected of them.. and them of us… and i really think that this year will be our hassle-free year for sure.

    For once, i am really relaxed and happy .. 🙂