I will marry you

I was singing to the brat .. “i will marry you” .. to the tune of the song “i will follow you” .. remember the song from the 70s or 80s .. that goes :

“I will follow you .. follow you wherever you may go.. there isn’t an ocean too deep.”

Well .. you get the tune lah right..?? Yes.. i was singing to the brat .. “i will marry you” .. and you know what she said.

No…! i donch marry you.. you marry daddy..!!! hahahhahahahahahha!! Wow..! as if she knows.. what marry is..??? And then a little later.. when i sang the song again.. she said.. “I marry Matt..!!” hahahhahahahhahaa!! Aiyoh..!! really too cheeky lor..!


Yes.. !! i am talking about PB..!!! i try not to crunch ice in front of him.. and do my best.. if i have to .. to crunch as silently as i can. But today.. when he was at the counter.. and i at the other end of the room.. he still turned up the music.. and blast it out loud.. because he said.. he CAN still hear me crunching..!!!

Wau lau oi..!!! wanna kenna “SERPAK”, already eat my ice in the cold.. example living room.. when he is in the computer room.. so i donch upset him.. with my crunching.. and i crunched in the cold.. instead .. of sitting in a warm and cozy computer room.. and doing my blog.. and blog hopping. So if i wanna eat my ice.. i have to leave the room.. and wait for him to go to bed.. and then i can be warm.. nice .. cozy.. blog hop.. and answer the comments on my blog.. or comment on other ppl’s blog.. but then by that time.. i am so tired.. and sleepy.. i can forget about it.

So yes.. the man wanna kenna “terajang” from me to London Square real soon..!!! Crunching ice IRKS him..!! well.. his eating of chocolates, ice cream.. and junk also IRKS me..!!! so how..???!!!????

Take my picture

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Yup.. this was taken last nite.. while chatting with Godma Lynn on the phone. The brat said.. “take my picture..??” .. I’m princess..!

Special Someone In Town

Woohoo..!! Chloe’s Godma Lynn from Toronto is in town..!! it was a surprise visit..! We were calling Grammie to say goodnite.. and guess who came onto the phone..!!

Godma Lynn..!! we are thrilled. Be seeing her on Saturday.. and she leaves on Tuesday..! short visit.. but at least we donch have to drive up to Ontario.. hahahhaha!!

Welcome back .. Godma..!!

Hair & Its shop

When i first came to this town.. i visit a pretty popular hair shop in this town. I must say.. it’s very nice.. and cozy.. but one thing funny .. is that .. they donch like to blow dry your hair.. if you have straight hair.

All these years.. when i have a hair wash.. they would ask you .. would you like to have your hair blown dry..??? weird eh..??? of course..!!!!! they donch even use the brush to blow dry your hair.. they just blow dry it with their hands.. like how i do it at home. So what’s the point of going to have your hair wash right..??

No massages either.. ! Yah.. i do miss all these from Asia. When i was in Singapore.. i go to this salon .. and it’s so relaxing.. just the massaging.. and the way.. they treat my scalp and all. For the last 3 yrs.. after Chloe was born.. i rarely go.. to a salon.. except for a quick snip.. because i donch feel like wasting my money.. and my breath.. trying to explain.. how i want my hair to be dried.

Oh.. !! and they wash your hair in the sink.. immediately.. !! not like at home.. they wash it where you are seated first.. and then rinsed it in the sink.. !! the way i like it. I miss my hairdresser from home.. !! BOO-HOO HOO..!!!