Drama Rama

I swear we treat all our present and ex-employees well. In fact we would go outta our way to help them, understand them and assist them in any ways we can. But if you say or reprimand them for being slackers or being mediocre workers only, they would come out with all sorts of drama-rama.

Today, we met an ex-b/f of an ex-worker and he himself said that it was really dis-respectful of our ex-worker to behave the way she did when she resigned. Like i said.. we were really kind to her.. and went outta our way to help and accommodate her in anyways we can. But boy..!! was it drama queen for her.. even when she was working with us. But we took all that.. and didn’t even complained at all. But at least .. we donch have to deal with anymore drama-rama kings and queens no more. And thank God.. some ppl do understand what we had to put up with.. because this ex-b/f of hers.. agreed whole-heartedly .. how good we were to her. Donch you just hate drama-rama queens and kings.