A Plea To All Bloggers With Kids

I am NO saint, I’ll have to let you all know right off. Don’t throw rotten eggs at me, but when I started working with various advertisers I quickly realized that when I need to do a job my brat would be the first to be seeking attention. I am writing this because I felt extremely disturbed when I read in some blog about how they would get all upset with their kids because they’ve got work to do, and then they start shouting at the kids. My heart goes out to them because this is not healthy.

I get a fair amount of work from all my advertisers, but I also make sure that even if there were opps dropping I would never ignore my kid, nor scream at her. Like i say, I am no saint, but I consciously make sure that this does not happen because my kid catches on easily and she might get the wrong idea, thinking that money or my online job is more important than her. That cannot be farther from the truth because nothing is more important than my brat.

Money is important, I am very sure, to just about anyone and everyone but one has to really weigh the consequences. Do you really want to bring up your kids thinking that you are a mad man or woman? Or put fear in your kid’s mind and heart for $10??? My kid is very sensitive, she can sense when I am sick or upset or grouchy because I didn’t get enough sleep. And they DO understand more than they let on.

I’m no saint, once again I tell you, and yes, sometimes I feel like screaming at my brat, but I make a VERY conscious effort never to shout or scream at her because I don’t want my brat to grow up fearing me or thinking that she is inferior. I don’t want her to feel that she is less important than my job, the money or anyone else in my life. So here I plead to all blogging mummies and daddies to please consider your position and see yourself thru’ your kid’s eyes. Do you see an ugly, mad and loud crazy person in your kid’s eyes..?? It is not too late to change now! YOU can do it and make that difference in your kid’s life and eyes. I know you love your kids and that money is important but you can make the right choice.

The Things She Say


It’s amazing.. when i see how much this lil’ brat has grown.. and the things she say. She dresses herself now.. and is mostly good.. and still doesn’t eat good.. but loves her milky.. and she is SO tall..!! And she is so drama queen… (i wonder where she gets it from) .. muahahhahhaha!!! But yes.. like every mummy.. i’m proud of her.. and each time.. she does anything..it never fail to amuse and amaze me. Mummies out there.. tell me if you feel the same way .. as I.. ??? even when she scribbles rubbish.. on a piece of paper.. muhahhahaha!!

Proper Education ?

“All Tri-County Regional School Board schools in Yarmouth and Shelburne counties only will be dismissing at 12:30 p.m. and 1:30p.m. today because of inclement weather.”

Every little bit of excuse.. they can come up with … a little bit of snow throughout the day.. and they are sending the kids home. I donch think my brat is gonna get a good education here. The teachers or the board seems to love to send the kids home.. or have what they call “in-service” or relief teachers.. that does nothing .. for the kids. I am extremely disturbed by these.

Jasmine At Easter


Of course we took this opportunity at Easter to visit some of Chloe’s friends.. Jasmine.. and Sarah before heading out to Grammie’s. They were short visits.. but what is Easter .. without taking the opportunity to teach Chloe all about sharing.. and interacting with other kids. But Chloe was pretty engrossed with Jasmine’s toys.. more than Jasmine… muahahah!

Car Angels

Car Angel is a non-profit organization that uses the car donation that you give to make videos for kids and teens. They have given away more than 2.4 million videos. Money raised is used to make videos like the ones below. Be a car angel and make your car donation without any stress at all. Picked up is arranged fast and free.


The weather hasn’t turned warm for us here yet. We are all still bundled up pretty much.. when we go out. Yesterday.. i stayed home with the brat.. because .. i wasn’t really ready yet.. when PB was about to leave for work.. so i tempted the brat with chinese noodles.. for lunch.. so that she would stay with me.

In a way it was good to stay home.. but my fibroids started acting up really bad.. and no amount of 4 hourly painkiller.. would make the darn pain go. Chloe was pretty much good .. the whole day.. and didn’t really fussed so much.. as though she knows i am sick. Amazing isn’t it.. how kids are.

Grammie’s Easter Presents


Of course .. Grammie bought Easter presents for the brat. And more from Aunt Helena.. that i haven’t taken pictures of. Grammie gave the brat loads of chocolate.. and a blouse.. and an umbrella… plus some toys too.. coloring pencils and books.. and some spongey stuff. Grampie gave her chocolates too.. ! she ate all of them.. as soon as she got home. And we even got to call her Godma Lynn at Uncle Bobby’s house in Cookstown.

The Killam’s Easter Tradition


The Killiam’s easter tradition is to let the kids.. have a big bunny chocolate.. and let them stuff their faces.. and get dirty. As you can see.. how PB wants to keep the tradition going. .by making sure that he buys ones of those big chocolate bunny for the brat.. to eat. Of course, he didn’t let her finish all of it.. just the bunny years.. and if you know chloe.. she doesn’t like to be messy at all.. so daddy didn’t get to see a dirty chloe.

Easter In A Child’s Eye


I am not big on Easter.. but PB is… and he painstakingly.. went out to buy presents.. and chocolates.. and eggs.. and even a basket.. for the brat .. for Easter morning. And she sure had a great time.. hunting those eggs.. on easter morning. Still in her PJs.. someone really thought that Easter bunny came to visit.. and left her loads of eggs.. to chomp… for a week or so.

No Going To Work

“Not Going To Work.. I’m Sick..!” .. that was what the brat told me this morning.. muahahahha!! she is way too smart.. even when sick.. she can say funny things.. to make us laugh.. and to lighten the mood. We really lucked in.. on this brat.. coz’ she doesn’t really gives us much to worry about .. where the intelligence department is concerned.