I Love Mexico Presents


More presents from Cancun from “good” Sara and her parents. The t-shirt was just the right size.. so thoughtful of Adele and Gerald. We can never asked for a better friend than the Leblanc family. They have always been steadfast in our friendship.. which is pretty hard to find .. in this town.

I Can Macarina Too!


Thank you the “good” Sara (as chloe puts it) .. Gerald & Adele for remembering Chloe.. when you went to Mexico for your holiday. Yes.. they have always been very kind to Chloe.. since she was born.. always remember her birthday.. and Christmases.. and any occasions. We really lucked in on this good friends.. in the Leblanc family.

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I Wanna Be Size 8!!

Yes.. call me crazy..! but with summer just around the corner.. i can’t helped but wanna be size 8 again..!! envy to see a customer come in today at the store.. and she too had lost weight.. but she didn’t really tell me her secret. She just said.. she smarten up. I wonder if she was Hydroxycut, a fat burner i hear is pretty effective. I’ll check out the side effects before taking it of course.

Keegan Was Sick Again

Keegan was sick yesterday.. and of course the brat longing to see her the whole weekend.. was very disappointed. I was telling PB .. i donch know what it would be like.. once Keegan goes full time into nursing.. and can’t babysit..?? afterall, it had been almost 3 yrs now or more.. that the brat had been with Keegan. I know too, that the brat is getting really, really attached to her babysitter, it is kinda cool.. on the other hand quite worrisome.. coz’ we know we can never replace Keegan.. when she goes to nursing. What would you do..?? if you were me..??

Motherhood Changes Me


I kid you not.. when i tell you that.. ! see the dress chloe have on..?? yes. . i only buy cheap and good stuff.. when they come off season.. and keep them till the brat can wear them. At $4 for the dress, I figured i couldn’t go wrong. Motherhood did changed me… and that’s the truth. For someone who didn’t even looked at price tags before becoming a mother.. now i calculate everything to the last penny..!! My father-in-law donch call me .. a Chinese Jew for nothing you know..! Did motherhood change you too.. ??? to someone you never thought you would be..??

Princess Scooter


We bought the scooter for the brat yesterday.. and since it was a display one. .we got 25% discount for it.. so we ended paying like $15 .. which in my opinion was a great price. But grampie is paying for it.. muahhahahhaha!! yes.. we are pretty smart .. when it comes to buying things.. not only we buy them really cheap.. on discount.. but we also make Grampie feel so loved… muahahhaha!!

Continue reading “Princess Scooter”

The SeaGulls Are Back !


I donch know if you are aware of this. .but where I am living.. in Nova Scotia.. we are surrounded by the Ocean .. and when one sees the seagulls coming back… it can only mean one thing to me… !! the warm weather is gonna be here really soon. This is the first of the seagulls i’ve seen this month. During the summer.. we see flocks of them… all over town.. because just behind our store..is the ocean. Awesome..!

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The Perception Is Wrong

Alot of women out there feels that marrying overseas or uprooting permanently is so glamorous, especially when they see a friend who married a “white man” go home to visit their parents, family and friends. The perception is so far from being the truth! oh don’t get me wrong.. the “white man” is great.. but all the other things has to be taken into consideration as well. Like the weather..! and the kinda food we cannot get here.. or the child care or even the hospital care.

I was at the hospital the other day.. and met a filipino lady who also married a Canadian.. and the first thing she said.. was the weather is killing her. Of course, we didn’t continue talking.. because she had to get to her appointment.. and I had to rush home. But yes.. if you thinking marrying overseas is glamorous, I tell you it’s not. I have never missed home so much in my entire 43 yrs of life.

A Sample Free Time

Saturday afternoon was the 2nd time.. we left the brat with Keegan at the store.. for an hour or so.. and went back home .. to eat. It was very quiet at home.. without the brat.. and we are not used to it.. muahhaha!! PB said.. it is a sample.. of what it would be… when the brat goes to school… this fall.

I do like the free time.. but it sure feels strange without the lil’ brat, for she is so noisy.. she never stops.. from the time she gets up. Full of energy, lots of things to say.. and full of mischief. I wonder what we are gonna do.. when she is in school. Prolly should start practicing eh..?

Piano For Your Pre-Schooler

I’ve always wanted to send my daughter for piano classes because she seems to love music alot and i hear that learning to play the piano as young as 4 yrs old actually boost their intelligence. Unfortunately, I am not very musically inclined and would rather not send her to a music school just yet, in case she doesn’t really want to take up piano yet.

If you are like me, not sure about it, try Piano for Preschooler for it was developed to give parents like you and me a chance to teach our children without worrying whether our kid might get too stressed up and to really find out where her potential is. For more information visit www.pianoforpreschoolers.com, afterall a caring parent teaching your own child is so much better than farming her out to a total stranger. I assure you, it’s easy and really affordable and you can nurture a natural love for music in your child.