A Ton Of Lorry Ran Over Me

Hiya, Everyone..!

Thanks for the emails.. the comments.. and the well-wishes left over msn.. and your prayers .. during my operation. I survived..!!!!! but i feel like a ton of lorry just ran over me. Still in loads of pain.. but i’m eating.. and peeing and pooping.. although everything taste a wee bit odd.. these days. I’m not really sleeping much.. nor sitting much .. nor doing anything much. Just alot of pain still.. but i know i will feel better everyday. Sorry.. i’m just not up to chatting with anyone.. hopefully soon. Thank you all once again.

Strawberries From Grampie’s Garden


First batch of strawberries from Grampie’s garden.. is for Chloe of course. Look at how big they are..!! awesome..!! Of course, Chloe is real happy.. and she was eating alot of it… and peas too. Grampie does grow the best peas in town. As for me.. i’m too heavy hearted to eat anything… or enjoy them. Tomorrow.. or rather in a few hours.. i’ll be going into the hospital for a major surgery. Of course, the doctors are going to do their best.. but you and I know.. there are risked. i wrote a letter to chloe on her blog.. just in case *touch wood*. But I’m gonna be really strong.. and i’m gonna be alright for this cutie pie.

Operation Update

Just a quick note.. on my operation. The date is set .. and the operation is at about 8am.. on Monday morning – 23rd of June 2008. My EKG came up normal.. but my hemoglobin is at 98 .. not ideal .. to me. Some tests were taken today, if nothing else happens between now and then.. i should be having my op as scheduled.

So .. in the meantime.. if you don’t see me updating.. it’s because i’m on bed rest .. and any major updates .. will be updated by PB on his blog – www.gator-byte.com

I’ll Try !


Asked the brat anything.. and she would answer.. “I’ll try!”. If you tell her to go to bed early.. she will answer … “I’ll try!” .. if you tell her to sleep the whole night.. she will say.. “I’ll try..!!” seriously .. i donch know where she learned that from.. but anything she donch know if she can do or not.. she would answer .. “I’ll try..! ” Certainly doesn’t sound like a 4 yrs old kid eh..?

Attracting Walk In Traffic

We are trying to give our store.. alot more exposure.. by advertising on the radio, papers .. and even on the internet. But right where our store is.. i think we should consider having some digital signage, so that those taking a walk out during summer time will take notice of our store. Afterall, digital signage is just about everywhere.. and if you think about it.. they are the one that keeps us interested.. and want to see what is coming up next on the screen.

I’m A Survivor !

For those who haven’t been here before.. please know that i am going for a major operation next week. I’m having a hysterectomy and having my fibroids taken out. My fibroids are huge .. and it is making me look like i am 24 weeks pregnant. There is currently some complication with it.. because my hemoglobin is extremely low.. and i’m diabetic. So the risk of me taking the operation is even higher.

Why i didn’t go for the operation earlier..?? I hung on for the longest time.. because my daughter.. Chloe needed alot of attention. With a business to run.. and a child to take care of.. i can’t possibly .. take time off.. and leave everything to PB (the spouse) .. to take care of everything.

Now that Chloe is alot older.. and isn’t an infant no more.. i feel it is time to do it. Of course .. there is still fear.. that i might not come out alive. I am not afraid to die.. but i’m afraid to leave the ones i love behind. Chloe is still very young.. even though she ain’t no infant.. but for PB to raise her on his own.. should something happen .. i don’t dare to think of it.

But i’m a survivor.. !! i am gonna go into the operation with the right frame of mind.. but not without doing everything i can .. in case something does happen. Like making sure that all my finances is taken care of.. and a new will drawn up..and signed by a public notary. I wanna sit down and write a letter to chloe.. just in case.. but i’m too emotional about it.

My surgery is scheduled for Monday. Today .. i’m going in for another blood test and am fasting right now .. and EKG .. and some other visit to the pre-op nurse on Friday. I’ll update as I go. Stay tuned.

What A Day !

What a day this was..! from a sudden call from the gynecologist that he wants to see me.. immediately .. and that tomorrow is not possible. So we closed the store.. went the the doctor’s office.. waited .. saw him.. went to another doctor.. and then went to get my x-ray done. Pending to be done tomorrow is my another blood test.. and EKG.

Not known when the operation is gonna be .. but pretty sure .. it will be next week.

Some Ambition For Father’s Day

I asked my father-in-law what he would like for Father’s Day.. and he said.. some ambition. Now donch we all wished for some ambition now. Anyone got some ambition to sell me.. to give to my father-in-law…?? Yes.. my father in law can be funny sometimes. I think he is a great guy.. and a great father to PB .. and a great grandfather.. to my brat. But what i admired most about my in-laws.. is they still called each other “hon” .. not something we see too often .. in the Asian community. Well.. not in my very chinese family anyways. What about your family..?? are they affectionate.. till now..?? or are they like old fashioned..??

Future Pro-Blogger


When we bought chloe a real camera .. a few weeks ago.. and she brought it along to show off to her grammie.. this was what she said.. “Grammie, grammie..! i can now take pictures.. of my food before I eat..! ” muahhhahahaha!! move over .. Chez Pim.. here comes MonsterBrat…!! although .. she wants to be called.. PrincessChloe.