I’m Gonna Strike Lottery This Week..!!

You wouldn’t believed what happened this afternoon. But it did happened.. and what are the chances that it would happened. If you wanna know why i think i would strike lottery.. head over to my health blog .. it has to do with my doctor’s office. Seriously, what are the chances .. that my doctor’s office would do that..?? Absolutely zero percent.

Nail Cutting


This must be one of the reasons .. why i fell in love with PB ..?? yes.. he takes care of Chloe’s every need.. when i can’t. From bathing her.. to cooking for her.. and washing her bottles.. or changing her diapers.. and wiping her poopie. Chloe is definitely blessed.. coz’ i never had a papa that was so good to me. Love is not blind .. because it was PB’s caring nature.. and non dramatic nature that i fell in love with.

Lost Child

If you think that this can not happen to you or that it only happens to your neighbor’s child or some faraway country or someone who has crazy parents at home, then you are wrong. Parental abduction is not something you would expect your spouse to do but it can happen for various reasons that we cannot even begin to explain. When something like that does happen, you will need to take immediate action, do not procrastinate! Whether it is parental abduction or a lost child, you have to do something immediately with someone who knows what they are doing.

Child Recovery International is a professional investigation and intelligence agency that specializes in missing children. They have recovered more than 600 missing children over the years and every single person working for them is highly trained and can sympathize with you and what you are going through. Their response time is immediate, they work with you until your child is found and can be contacted 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Whether you are in the States or in another part of the world, they have been known as frequent consultants and criminal profilers in foreign operations to help recover or locate missing children and people. I hear that their analysis and predictions were found to be near perfect. If you are desperate to find your loved one or know of someone who has a missing child, Child Recovery International is only a phone call away.

I Love Food Bloggers !

I most certainly do..!! Food bloggers are a group of really fun loving people..who loves good food.. or any kinda food.. and donch mind sharing it with you .. and you know what..??? they are not B.I.T.C.H.Y or SCHEMING..!!! (i donch have time for that) they just loved their food..! they are not into traffic.. they are not into trying to get into anyone’s good books.. they are not trying to get famous.. or into SEOs or SERPs, they just love their food.. and sharing it with you.

Because of all these food bloggers.. they inspire me to continue blogging about my love or my missing of food too. You will never see food bloggers bicker amongst each other .. nor about another food blog. They are definitely a different group of bloggers.. and you know what.. food blogger like Boolicious from masak-masak will even take care of you .. if you visit Kuala Lumpur and show you the food she loves best. Masak-masak and i come a long, long way. I started reading her blog way back in 2005 .. and never missed any of her updates. Which entry i loved best..?? it’s has gotta be .. the ones of Ramadan, they make me wanna come home each time. If you donch know by now.. i too have a food blog –IceCubeJunkie, but because of my recent surgery and because the brat is growing so fast.. i’m gonna experiment on baking cookies and cakes and desserts using organic stuff and less sugar, i might just start a new blog just for baking. If you love food.. check out .. masak-masak.. she is a veteran food blogger.

The Love Of My Life


It was all worth it.. the enduring of the pain..and the holding on.. and the moving to Canada… because without her.. life would have been meaningless. If i had to turn the clock back.. i wouldn’t have it any other way. Even though my fibroids grew so big after my pregnancy.. and i had to wait .. for her to be older.. before i had my operation.. and waiting also because i was afraid.. i may not see her grow up. It was all worth it.. because she is the Love Of My Life.

A Hair Wash & Cut

I have an infection on my laporoscopic surgery .. and one of the wounds just wouldn’t heal properly. On antibiotics .. and was told not to shower.. but sponge bath instead. But what about my hair..?? The shower faucets in all our bathrooms are those that are non removable.. so i’ll have to stand inside the shower.. and get myself wet.. if i wanted to wash my hair. Luckily, we managed to get hold of my hair dresser .. and she took me in immediately. I had a hair cut.. and a great hair wash.. awesome..! felt so good after that.



This was taken on Sunday.. when we were out having lunch at Pizza Delight. A late lunch at that.. ! but the picture of PB is priceless.. !! because you rarely see him smile..!! well.. unless he was gaming with tubby.. (his friend forever type). Yes..! this is the face of the man.. i traveled thousands of miles from the other end of the world.. to be with in December 2000. A man who rarely talks alot.. nor smile alot, so when he is smiling like that. .one has gotta take a picture of him right..?? plus i take good pictures.. ! not like him.. taking fat pictures of me.. !!

Celebrating 9 Yrs In Business

A month from today.. the store will be celebrating its 9th anniversary in business. Besides promotional products to give away on that day, we are thinking of having a sale.. and a cake and tea session for our regular customers. What else can you think of ..?? to advertise our anniversary..?? pray tell.

A Career I Love

If i could turn the clock back, i want to be a massage therapist. I kid you not! after having my first massage some 10 yrs ago in a spa, i truly wished there were more massage therapy schools back home. I would have definitely chosen this line of work.. and would have loved it.

Pictures Up

For those who wants to see the pictures of my fibroids and uterus during my hysterectomy operation, you can head over to my health blog : DesperateHousecows. The said pictures are up.. but please be warned. .that if you do not have the stomach for blood, grossed looking things.. that can make you faint and puke.. please do not go over there. I have started to journal my journey to the operation and post op information. .for those who may have friends or family who might be having the same problem as I. That way.. with my information recorded.. they can see for themselves and be prepared for what may come.