Having Fun With Grammie


Having fun with Grammie is what the lil’ brat does best on Sundays. She would asked.. is it Sunday today..?? and when we say it is… her reply..?? “Are we going to Grammie’s house today..??” Yes.. she had been quite attached to Grammie since young.. but i also noticed a change recently.. and that is she is more willing to hug Grampie too.. and not just goodbye hugs.


For those of you .. who are not aware of this… my MIL came to stay with Chloe when i was hospitalized twice. During the emergency operation .. she came despite the fact that she had her garden to tend to .. and my FIL to help. For that i am eternally grateful.. because i wouldn’t trust Chloe with anyone else. And of course, to my FIL too.. for not getting upset that my MIL had to stay so long. I could not have asked for a better set of in-laws.