Hurricane Kyle Heading Towards The Maritimes

Yes..! and that means.. it is heading towards us. 5 yrs ago.. we had Hurricane Juan that hit Halifax really hard.. but it missed us.. so we were quite safe here in Y-Town. Usually if anything were to happen with the weather.. we don’t get hit as hard as Halifax does. But that does not mean that we ain’t gonna be prepared for it though. So today.. we will be heading out to get groceries .. that we usually leave till Sunday to do. If you don’t see me online it means.. we either lost power.. or Aliant just suxs.. big time.. !

After The Operation

Maybe it’s me.. or maybe it’s just my imagination but i feel like i’m putting on weight awfully easy after the operation. For those who are not aware of this.. i had just gone thru’ a huge operation about 3 months ago.. and another emergency one 10 days after my first operation for a hysterectomy and removing my 3kg fibroids. I never used to be able to put on more weight.. no matter how much i eat.. for the fibroids were already making me “look” fat.. but now that the fibroids are finally removed, it sure looked like i am putting on weight. Better look into getting some weight loss pill, for i ain’t gonna wanna look like the average Canadians here.

Pictures Of Singaporean Nude Blogger, Sun Tan

Being a Singaporean but living overseas makes me a lot more aware of what is going on back home. Afterall, I don’t want to miss any CPF top up right..?? No way..!! if the government was giving out money, I’m getting it for sure.. and that’s my rights.. since i’m a Singaporean.. albeit one living abroad. And yes.. ! i do miss home.. and donch ask me again. If i can take the next flight home.. i would and will .. INSTANTLY.

Anyhow, coming back to Sun Tan, the nude blogger with the blog named “Sextisy” is currently the hottest news in town i heard. A girlfriend shared with me some of the published pictures on The New Paper, Singapore most circulated daily newspaper and with 4 million folks in Singapore.. i bet .. Sun Tan is getting some unwanted attention ..?? or i could be wrong.. she might be basking in delight.

All the pictures and videos that i’ve seen online were those that saw her enjoying every bit of the exhibitionist in her. Of course, the guy in the pictures with her.. is so Ah Beng..!! look at the shirt he was wearing..!! *faint*. Lesson to be learned here.. and I’ll have to make sure i tell my kid when she is old enough.. and the babysitter.. never EVER take nude pictures with your boyfriend.. who may turn out to be an evil ex-b/f. Below is a letter supposedly from Sun Tan to Gutteruncensored. She sounds pathetic alright.. and yer think GutterUncensored is gonna stop posting her pictures..?? think about it again.. g/f..!
> From: “sun tan”
> Subject: request to stop information hunt
> To: gutteruncensored@*********.com
> Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008 8:32 AM

I’m very sorry you had to go through a confusing situation whereby you received both a tipoff and a request to remove post, all from the same email account. The person who tipped you off is not me.
Clearly someone out there is determined to bring total destruction to me and his/her aim has been achieved. I’m in complete devastation now. Emotionally and mentally really very traumatized. Everything is in ruins for me and my life is over. I am sure that person/ those people know about this and they are feeling extremely pleased now.
My reaction to seek the authorities for help is purely out of loss, not aiming to retaliate. None of this was anything that I wanted. I never meant for anything like this to happen. I agree that you are every bit indemnified as you have stated and basically, you are the only who can propagate or check the news.
Hence, it wasn’t my intention to aggravate you or the matter. I’m genuinely intent on beseeching you to have the post removed, rather to get to the root of the matter. I am equally as confused as you are regarding conflicting emails from this email account. I’m more so distraught as the moment you received the tipoff marked the beginning of the great collapse for me and my life is in shambles now. For all the anger, annoyance and confusion you are/have experienced, I apologize.
I sincerely hope you will stop the pursuit of anything related the issue of suntan. The last thread of my sanity depends on the matter being dropped.
Please, stop.

1st Parents & Teachers Meet


Already..?? i hear yer saying.. muahhaha!! yes.. ! already..!! it’s to meet Chloe’s other teachers and the school staff .. plus also to get an idea of what the teacher is doing in class. Certainly different from my time in school.. where teachers and parents meet is all about us being bad.. and our parents being called to the principal office.

My thoughts about the educational system in Canada as compared to Singapore..?? I really think here is a lot more relaxed and I can see Chloe’s teacher trying her very best to help with every single student. Unlike back home, I think I would have had to get a tuition teacher for Chloe right now. Her teacher had also mentioned that Chloe fine motor skills needed help and Chloe will be in a small group just for that. I knew this was gonna happened because Chloe being the youngest in class and we don’t really allowed her to play with cutting and scissors because in the store, I sometimes cannot keep an eye on her.. if she played in her play area. But I’m happy to report I’m quite pleased with what I saw but I’m still a wee bit apprehensive about the “french” thingie. But if i learned so many languages in Singapore, I’m quite sure she can cope with French no..??

Healthy Mums, Happy Kids

For those who have been following my blog since Chloe was born, you will know the recent surgeries that I have gone through and how much I yearn to do more with my 4.5 yrs old. As all mummies would know, keeping up with a 4.5 yrs old is not easy and a mom who doesn’t have enough energy or who isn’t well, now that can create a very emotional and guilt ridden mom like yours truly.

Keeping healthy for yourselves first and also for the family is very important and if nutritional supplements can help then I say go for it. I myself can attest to getting lots of help from these supplements but of course I choose affordable and reliable sources for my supplements. Choice Nutritionals not only offers quality vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements from various reputable brands, they also carry organic skin care and personal care products. Look forward to a very personalized service where they believe in building a good repertoire with their customers. Competitive prices and free shipping on purchases above $50. You know we love free shipping!!!

Moonlight Resonance Episode 1 Onwards

I am putting up links for Moonlight Resonance Episode 1 onwards from today because I know alot of mummies and papas plus fans of Moonlight may not have seen the first few episodes. So due to popular demand and like I always said.. i aimed to please .. so i’m finding the links again for everyone. Moonlight Resonance Episode 1 is up already, so hop over to my entertainment blog for the link eh. Enjoy..!! have fun..! it was an awesome show.. that took a twist in turn .. in the end.

Chloe Was Ill


Chloe had been sick for 2 days now.. but today she started feeling better. I’ll have to say that I raised a really thoughtful kid.. because she said to PB and I.. that she didn’t wanna kiss us.. because she didn’t wanna get us sick.. the first day .. when she had a fever. And even though she was sick.. she wasn’t fussy or anything.. just rested alot.. on her couch.. and watching lots of Simpsons. She ate only soup and crackers yesterday and today. But this evening.. she had some noodles. And yes, we kept her home, no need to pass it to other kids eh.

Last One Standing Episode 2

I love modern tvb series… and if i had a choice.. i would choose to watch a modern one of course. Last One Standing is going to be a good one … i can see. Sorta like CSI in Cantonese, very interesting .. and very exciting the 2nd episode. Don’t miss it. If you wanna watch Episode 2, I have the link for it. Just head over to my entertainment blog for the link. Yay..!! yes.. i have the link.. and you found it here first.. woohoo..!! Last One Standing Episode 2

Wanna Stuff A Dead Body In My Basement

The man brought home this a few nights ago from the store. He bought it from a kid that had come in like maybe.. half a dozen time trying to sell it. From $200 to $160 … that was what the kid wanted. But finally after a week, PB got it for $150.


Well, anyhow.. the nite he bought it back, he had it sitting on the dining table.. and guess what.. ?? i didn’t even noticed it. .nor see it. Until the next day, in the evening.. when he wanted to get it out to test it, then did he asked me .. ” you didn’t noticed this eh..?? ” So yes..! if you stuff a dead body in my basement.. i probably wouldn’t know about it till it stinks. As long as it doesn’t stinks.. the dead body is safe in my basement.. mauahhahaha!!


He wants this for his basement.

An Acura For A Second Car

By now you all know I have been actively looking for a second car for our household since our lil’ brat is in school and it sorta sux not to be able to pick her up from school since we only have one car and I can’t drive a standard. I see a need for a second car because it would make it so convenient instead of depending on PB to close the store and send us home each evening at 5pm. Plus as the kid grows older I’m sure she would have other activities like swimming, ballet and other extra-curricular events she would want to attend. Currently we have the babysitter to help out in case of emergencies but when she goes to college next year then we will be quite handicapped.

The car connection gave a detailed review of the Acura from information gathered from other reviews. With this combined information by testing the cars for themselves, they presented their own findings. They listed their likes and dislikes and what they ultimately think of the car. Of course they also include photo galleries to let you view the car first hand. You should probably also check out the unbiased reviews from the consumers on various makes of cars. And when you are ready, you can arrange for a test drive or get a quote online as well. Compare your local price quotes and get the best price without having to run around. No stress, no fuss.. just the way I like it.