Gem Of Life Episode 3 & My Dancing Queen

Well.. as you all know by now.. The Gem of Life Episode 3 is up for watching or download on my entertainment blog. So hop over if you want to watch it. As for me, you all know with a 4.9 yrs old toddler.. you have to improvise in order to watch your current tvb series. This was what i did yesterday.. when i wanted to watch Gem of Life Episode 2. Muahahahha!! smart mummy eh. Yes..!! i let her become dancing queen .. while i watch my show.. on the other half of our 52″ tv.. muahahahahhaha!!


PS : The Dance mats are from the store and keegan and so was the game. We want to say that they are borrowers.. and we do not encouraged our kid to buy expensive stuff at all. Most of Chloe’s presents are from the Dollar Store.