Congrats FF & Cooknengr !

Today, I received a comment on this blog from Cooknengr .. and knowing that he normally doesn’t comment.. i took a quick look at it.. to find out the most awesome news . . he can give me to rejoice and end 2008 with a lot of laughter and joy. You see love can happen online .. but it has to be .. like FF & Cooknengr who came to know each other online .. and work hard on their relationship… and finally tying the knot. I’m truly happy for them and proud of them for overcoming so many obstacles together to get where they are right now. Unlike some that i’ve met/seen online .. or those i know personally in this town. .where folks jump into a relationship without even knowing anything about the other person. Some I know pack and move to another country .. without planning or knowing what they are getting themselves into (Kahwin cowboy type). Unfortunately, i cannot call that love . .and in fact disapprove of it myself.

Love comes in different form. . but love needs a strong foundation. Without that strong foundation and understanding of each other, the cultural differences, you are just aiming for break up… in the future. May not be near. .but it will come. So yes.. you can find love online.. but like i said.. in any kind of relationship.. it’s an uphill task.. what more a marriage.. a relationship so in such close proximity. One needs to know not only the good .. but the bad.. and be able to accept it.. and lived with it. So here’s to FF & Cooknengr..!!! A happy and blissful marriage .. and everlasting love to 2 very adventurous bloggers that I’ve come to know for a long time. Both of you really, really made me so happy for you and boy..!! can you two keep a secret..!!!!!


Here’s the beautiful couple! I stole the picture from the groom’s website.


The groom had kindly sent the official picture last nite.

PS: Please join me in wishing the Princess from Primrose – a blissful marriage as well.. for she too got married..!!! woohoo..!!! oh you wonderful gals.. deserves the best..!!! I’m happy for you too.. Princess.

So Did Santa Claus Come To Your Town..?


So were you naughty or good..?? did Santa Claus come visit you yesterday..?? These were the presents we had for just Chloe .. and one for PB. Of course, he had to have some kinda electronics right..?? it is Christmas afterall. These are presents from friends/customers and us, her grandparents ones were taken later that day. But yes, she loved all her presents.. and PB and I didn’t get much for each other, I know he tried.. but i’m a very hard person to buy presents for. I let you guess what he got for me eh.

UGG Boots won’t Make you go Ugh!


Coming to Canada and enduring such horrid winters can make one feel quite frumpy and dowdy, if you know what I mean. 6 months of winter here in Nova Scotia sure is hard for just about anyone, but for some in Nunavut like my dear friend Aida, I am sure she can appreciate why I only buy Ugg boots. These are boots that won’t make me or others looking at me go “Uggghhh..!!”. After all it was Jennifer Aniston who wore them first and I love how fashionable she is.

Well of course there is more to it than that, they are made of sheepskin and originated in Australia. Don’t be fooled though because there are lots of imitation Ugg boots out there and you really don’t want those because wearing boots made of synthetic leather is the worst. Your feet smell and it gets pretty sweaty and hot after awhile. One place to look for information about Ugg boots and how to avoid buying fake ones is at, do check it out before buying them so you will know how to take care of your Ugg boots and also learn what you are paying for and why they cost more than other brands of boots. Plus, find out if your man would love a pair too.

Concert Tickets

I used to work in the hotel industry and as someone who was in charge of the Front Office and the Concierge department plus the Business Center of one of the most reputable hotel in Asia. It is no easy feat, I’ll have to tell you and with 1000s of in house guests and convention ones in the hotel daily, we have many request for concert tickets on ad-hoc basis and some very demanding guests.

My boss said my middle name was “efficient” and I didn’t earned that name for nothing. But what my boss don’t know was I depended on the folks at TicketFeeder for all my event tickets and those that were sold out. They are opened 24/7 and had the largest database for any kind of tickets. Whether you need sport tickets, concert tickets or even theater tickets, if it is anyone you can depend on .. it had to be them. They even help you to locate the best seats for your guests, your customers or even family.

Whether you are a Front Office Manager in a hotel like I was or only owner by association to your spouse’s business or a personal assistant to the CEO, is a site i would bookmark and be known as “Ms Efficient” by your bosses or your spouse. The folks at TicketFeeders are professionals, their event tickets are genuine and there is absolutely no hassle working with them.

We Lost Power For 18 Hrs


We were hit by a wind storm on Monday at 1.30am.. and lost complete power. In fact, I think the whole of Nova Scotia lost their power in this terrible storm. In all my years in Canada.. this was the worst that I’ve come across. We lost some shingles on the roof, our satellite dish and some sidings but we are safe, so that’s the most important.

We crashed at a friend’s house.. and they were wonderful ! they fed us and kept us warm and offered us a place to sleep in, if the power didn’t come back on in the nite. I told PB that years of investing in this friendship finally paid off… muahahahahah!!! We are expecting more snow tomorrow.. although things cleared up today. So if you don’t see me online, do have a blessed Christmas…!

Wholesale Prices For Electronics

As the woman of a man who loves his electronics/games & toys, you know that special occasions can be really hard and trying just to get him something decent and affordable that he doesn’t already have. After all, he thinks he knows where to get the best stuff at the best prices. But come on, we women can be tech savvy too, right? This is the 21st century we are talking about here and we should be just as good at, if not better, when it comes to buying the best stuff at competitive pricing.

Online Shopping for electronic goods has never been easier now that I’ve found Newsmy is a China-based company that carries more variety of goods than anywhere else I know online. From car electronics to digital AV, media players, cellphones, laptops and the works at wholesale prices. Check out their media players starting at $0.99, pretty awesome pricing right? Track all your shipments online and their warranty is good for 1 year.

This company, although based in China, is a global online distributor and has been serving customers from different countries for many years. With more than 100,000 products I know that one can find just about anything and everything here. And the best part – unbeatable prices! So don’t let the man tell you you don’t know where to buy great electronic stuff/gadgets.

Gem Of Life Episode 45

Gem Of Life Episode 45 is ready for downloading, if you want the online version to watch, check back later at my entertainment blog. For those who can’t wait, go over to my other blog for the link. And don’t forget to support PENNY 4 PLAYGROUND! it’s not too late to show your support, and any penny counts.

Who Is George Washington?

There is no denial of the fact that Chloe learned a lot from school. From singing to drawing and even becoming very independent. For the last 2 days, she didn’t need us to clean her poop, unlike a few weeks ago. I’m truly amazed that she picked up so much from a mere 4 months in school. She enjoys her craft work a lot and as you all can see, she had a lot of Christmas ornaments made by herself in school and it is now hanging on our tree.

We are still contemplating if we should pull her out now.. and put her into Grade primary again next year, where she will be more prepared after doing 6 months in pre-school. We’ll have to see after visiting the 2 pre-schools tomorrow, weather permitting for it is storming here. So who is George Washington to Chloe..?? since she keeps singing his name in one of the Christmas song learned in school.