BatGal Chloe


As you all know, we bring Chloe with us to work since the day she was born. Well, not exactly.. when she was old enough.. maybe 8 months or so. But you get the idea right..?? and we have to think of things to keep her busy.. before the babysitter comes in the afternoon after school. So on this day, she wants to be Batman and I tell you . .the girl has got demands…hhaha!! she wants a cape as well.. and the mask that she did with PB .. wasn’t enough. So the cape it was.. with a garbage bag .. to make do.. but she loved it.


Here she is happy .. that Papa played with her.. and helped her make her mask as well as her cape. And Papa played with her. .because Mama was busy looking for movies for her fans.


But wait..!! Batgal needs whiskers too.. so since Papa was busy with a customer.. and we have no crayon for the face.. she made her own whiskers.. and stuck them onto her face with some stickers.. muahahhaha!! very innovative .. and awfully creative. She was very proud of her batgal suit.. she wants to wear this for Halloween.. hahaha!!