Graduated From Pre-School


As you all know we had a little mishap last year with Chloe’s school and we had to pull her out. Looking back, I wished the teachers there would have given her a chance as she was only 4.5 yrs old. Given that her teacher was new and all .. but still i felt that she had wasted half a year.. else she would have graduated from Grade Primary instead of Pre-school. On the other hand.. we should have put her in pre-school when she turned 3.5 ? Oh well, this fall would be better .. because she will no longer go to a french class but a normal english class. As parents… we only want what is best for the kid eh. And as you can see .. the daddy was beaming all because she loves to eat pea -he calls her the pea monster. One thing for sure is we will never miss out on any event concerning the brat.