20 Months Old

Dear Chloe,

You turned 20mths old yesterday and mummy had almost forgotten about your milestone. Wow..!! you are a big gal now… !! no more telling ppl that you are 19.5 months old.. !! in another 4 mths.. you will be 2 yrs old.
You are eating so much better now.. although quite reluctant to try any new food.
You still love your french fries and udon. These are the only 2 things you would eat without any hesitation.
You are pretty opiniated these days and wouldn’t even let mummy have a few minutes of free time, if i am around. No one is good enough eh..??
You haven’t been sleeping good still but for the last two nites .. you slept all the way.. which is truly amazing.
You went to the beach for the first time last month and refuses to walk on the beach at all… so frightened you were .. clinging on to daddy and mummy for your dear life. It is almost too funny seeing you this way.
I think you’ve grown taller .. but because you love to jump and climb and fall all over the place… you have bruises on your legs.. that mummy do not like at all.
You continue to amuse our customers at the store.. and they never fail to say how lovely and cute you are.
You are truly a beautiful girl .. Chloe.. and mummy and daddy love you so much.
Continue to grow at your own pace.. and stay healthy.. my love.



My brat posing for the camera on her new picnic table just to amuse mummy.

Being a Monkey

My brat climbing all over the new picnic table… and even standing on it.. and dancing till daddy told her to get down.

Poor Lady Suha

Anyone out there.. wanna help Lady Suha..??? Who happen to be using a yahoo address..??? and claiming that this email is from the office of the Former First Lady..???!!!??

Dear Lady Sukoo,
I’m sure.. i would love to help you .. so that i can get a percentage of whatever money you wish to transfer to me… because i am so dumb and sits on my brain.. all day!!
This is indeed a Golden Opportunity .. for me to get con by you.
I am pretty sure you are in great distressed NOW!! .. about the secret funds that your late husband left you .. because i am sharing this info with everyone who comes to my blog.
You are such a pathetic asshole…!!! if you write to me again i will do more than just publish this on the internet..!!
Normally, i would just ignore this kinda hoax/email .. but you caught me in a bad mood. So go fuck yourself.. and rot in hell..!!!

Continue reading “Poor Lady Suha”

Quiznos Sub

Fish Fish this is for you. I read you went to a Quiznos .. and i said.. hey.. we have one here too.. where i lived.. and they are new .. just started about a month ago. So i told myself.. i have to take a picture of Quiznos for you .. and show it to you.