Swimming With Kids

We were invited to a small get-together with some extended family last week and since they have an indoor heated pool – the children wanted to swim of course.  But while we were chatting – the kids were playing in the pool and around it – of course the younger ones cannot go into the pool and thank God for pool safety net , we can go and get our food or drinks without worrying that the younger ones may fall in the pool while there wasn’t any adults in sight.   If I have an outdoor pool in the future for Chloe, I too will invest in the pool safety net because we love BBQing so much in the summer and when you have good friends around, we tend to chat and laugh, we sometimes might just turn around and not pay attention to the younger kids.  So to avoid any accidents at my home – God forbid – I’m going to insist on the pool safety net. We had such a good time at the extended families – no accidents – thanks to the pool safety net – the kids were tired out but they looked forward to going again.

East Meets West Upbringing Of A Child

I have to constantly remind myself that there is cultural difference between PB’s upbringing and our Chinese upbringing and our values.  Today is Tuesday and Grammie didn’t come to the store like she would – probably because she didn’t have a ride to town.  And since Chloe didn’t go to Grammie’s on Sunday because of a birthday party and didn’t go the week before because Grammie was busy – that means she didn’t really get to spend any quality time with her grandparents.

In our chinese culture, it’s important to let the grandchildren visit their grandparents and let the kids bond with their grandparents.  To me when I had Chloe – I had this beautiful dream of Chloe growing up with loving grandparents and spending lots of time with them – shopping, going around town and doing stuff together.  But alas, that did not happened – for the first 6 – 7 yrs of Chloe’s life – she wouldn’t visit her grandparents without us around.   Now that she would – her grandparents are very busy themselves – because they have to work and they do have a life of their own too.

Of course, I understand that and had come to terms with the fact that Western grandparents do not expect what the Eastern grandparents would want and expect us to do.  But it’s Chloe who doesn’t understand why her Grammie didn’t come visit and even though we explained to her many times – she still feel sad everytime she doesn’t visit for a few hours – or when she doesn’t get to visit her grandparents. I’ve  brought Chloe up to be a very loving child – if you’ve met her personally, you would know that she is friendly and loving to just about anyone.   She can give a tour of the house to her father’s friend – without the other person asking, so I figured she must feel sad whenever her grammie doesn’t visit when she is supposed to.  *sigh*.

Mini Cards For Myself

My mini moo cards just arrived a few days ago – and I loved it!

My first box of mini cards by Moo were from Foodbuzz – when i became a featured publisher with them.  And I loved those cards too – they are so unique – being mini and so colorful.  It was easy to make the mini cards and choose the colors – my Moo cards took about a week and a half to arrived and I had free shipping too.   They have pre-made designs are you can upload or design your own mini cards.  The quality is great and I love the pink card holder I had bought along with my new mini cards – only at $4.99 – pretty sleek and handy. I definitely recommend Moo cards to anyone – I’m waiting to be approved to be their affiliate – wish me luck now.

More Gifts From The Body Shop

Everyone loved receiving gifts and more when the gift is something you would used and running out of it.  This is the Body Shop’s Vitamin C Skin Boost – and a bottle of this cost like $26, so I’m grateful to friends from Vancouver who knows that we don’t have a Body Shop here for buying them for me and sending them to me as gift.  I’m indeed blessed!  Thank you so much, Mandy !  The spouse said I’ve got rich and good friends – and I told him yup!  I’ve known Mandy for like 25 yrs!  She worked with me at the Marco Polo Hotel Hong Kong – Mandy was a Management Trainee then and was working at the Business Center as the Manager there.  Loved working with Mandy and it certainly pays to treat your trainee well – unlike the person who had trained me when I first started at the Business Center in Singapore.  Mannnn!!  she was something alright!  wouldn’t let me go home – even if there was 1 cent that I can’t find – even when I offered to pay for the 1 cent.  I’ve never seen anyone worked a trainee before.  There was absolutely no compassion at all – especially when your shifts ends at 11pm – and  you will miss your last train home.  She was absolutely awful!  I’m just glad that none of my trainers were like her – she was the only one i remembered so clearly.

Best Buys In 2011

Some of the things I bought in 2011 was all about me – fromt he bamboo capture from Wacom to the new fall boots in 2011 – so here are some of the best deals of 2011  and to let you all know that I’ve learned to take care of myself first – instead of being a busy body to everyone’s need.  I want to buy a Kindle Fire – unfortunately, they are not available in Canada yet but I think i did good in 2011 – you tell me if I did good eh.

An antique clock

A Louis Vuitton handbag

A Manolo Blahnik

New side drawers from Wicker’s Emporium.

A painting from Etsy

A antique music box.

New winter boots and a fall boots as well.   So yes !  I did good for myself in 2011 – you all know I have health issues and I still do – and I’m in constant pain in my tummy for reasons unknown – and this year – I concentrated on myself and my family – and did right by them first.  I rewarded myself with some stuff because I deserved it – I worked hard and I hardly buy anything that I don’t need for the last 12 years since arriving in Canada – but now that everything has calmed down – I’m just glad that I no longer feel a need to worry about others first – but instead took care of myself.

Western Spouse Cheating On Asian Spouse

So I’ve heard many stories about Canadians cheating on their Canadian girlfriends and wives and I really don’t feel that bad – not until I hear about Canadian spouse cheating on their Asian spouse.   Why? maybe it’s because we are all alone here in Canada with no immediate family – so when the Canadian spouse cheat on us – it really sends our whole tumbling down.  A lot of questions came into my mind when I heard from a local friend about it and was absolutely surprised that my Asian friend’s spouse would do that.

Why? because my Asian friend is a very, very good looking Asian lady and slim and very, very nice in manner and nature.  Unlike myself who is loud, opinionated and old looking – therefore, it really took me by surprise.  In fact, surprise isn’t the word – it was shocked and I feel so bad for my friend because I didn’t know that she was treated so badly.  Had I known earlier – I would definitely have been there for her and may even bitch slapped her spouse.

So my point is this – what do you do when your spouse cheats on you and you try to save the marriage but failed because he is a bastard?  Are you alone?  do you have money to support yourself?  what about getting a lawyer to help you with the divorce proceedings?  what if you don’t have money for it?

To be cont’d ….

Tiger Mom I Am Not

And I’m so ashamed of it!  Reading Amy Chua’s book – Battle Hymn of A Tiger Mom makes me think of all the things that I should have make Chloe do instead of giving her so much choice.  After all, what do kids know right?   – mothers should know best as we were raised to believe.  And even though I suspect my mother’s screaming, bashing, threats and belittling wasn’t the same intentions as  Amy Chua’s – mothers should know best and a 8 yrs old don’t know what is best for her.

My outlaws and brother-in-law thinks that I’m strict with Chloe – but wait till they read Amy Chua’s book then they would learn to appreciate me and know how lenient I am with Chloe.   So lenient that I regret some of the things I didn’t do with Chloe or make her do it because of my own upbringing.  You see my mom was a wee bit crazy when it comes to the screaming – quite embarrassing when you lived in such closed proximity with your neighbors and unlike Amy Chua – she didn’t helped me to study nor hire a tutor for me to help me with my poor subjects. And again I was left to fend for myself at an early age – and my mom loved to cane us publicly, so that other people would say that we are taught well – whether we are in the right or wrong – we are at the receiving end of the cane.  And my good for nothing dad would make us take off our pants, bend over and he would cane us – till we were quite old.  about 12 yrs old I think if I am not wrong.  I hated every bit of the teaching – so much so that I got very soft with Chloe.

I didn’t want to become my parents but neither should I be over – protective either – so with Amy Chua’s book – I’m encourage that a little bit more of a Tiger Mom than I am now.  I really have to believe that Chloe can do more than what she is doing now – so I’ve started drilling her with more homework and reading at home.  I’ve also started on spelling with her even though her school haven’t yet asked that she learn how to spell.  And I’m proud to say that it didn’t take much for her to remember how to spell certain words.  She loved to read and I’m going to spend more time reading with her from now on – and we really need to work on her math – she doesn’t like big numbers I tell you that much.   One thing for sure – my kid will be brought up a lot differently from the kids we know around us.

Assume Strength In Our Kids

As a child, I’ve always had to fend for myself in school, at home and very quickly I learned that I cannot really count on my parents to be my champion.  My dad was never home and my mom was too busy with work or too tired after work to listen to whatever problems that I might be encountering in school or at home with my siblings.  So with Chloe, I am extra careful – and making sure that she wasn’t alone or had to face problems on her own.

But on the other hand, I realized that I am raising a kid that needed help with everything and I’ve turned into a helicopter mom.   Throwing the kid out in the open and letting her fend for herself also isn’t what I want to do but I also don’t want to raise my kid to be a wuss.  If you remember correctly, Chloe was painfully shy in school and even when she was bullied in school, she refused to stand up for herself nor tell her teachers about it.  And because of her earlier bad experienced with a little boy in her second school – I became a little more paranoid when it came to Chloe’s safety.

Yesterday, Chloe told me about a problem with her school mate – and that she had already spoken up about it with the teacher – so she had already taken care of the problem herself – I’m so proud of her – she is 8 years old this year.  This morning, I asked her if she needed for me to speak with her teacher again about the same issue and she told me – ” no mom! I’ve already taken care of the problem”  – my daughter is a stronger girl now !  after being in school for a few years and much, much encouragement on our side – she finally stood up for herself and don’t need me to hover over her – I’m a very proud mama!   I’ve never doubted that Chloe would stand up for herself one day – I know that it will come when it come.   But I also have to learn that my kid is stronger than I think she is and letting her make mistakes and fight for herself is alright.

The Box Of Paper Clips Are Fun-ner Than You

Yes ! that was what Chloe said to me today – and it was pretty funny I tell yer – and I was sure she didn’t mean to hurt my feelings but she was trying to tell me that I wasn’t spending enough time with her.  So when your 8 yrs old tell you something like that – you better change something and make sure you be fun – ner to/with her.

Yes, we all need to work but they are only young once and working is great – I make the money and all but it’s important to let her know that she is most important instead of saying just a minute please because I too notice that Chloe’s reply to us when we want her to do something is – ” just a min, please”   So from now on – I’m going to try my darnedest to play with her an hour at least after she comes home from school and then have an alarm clock up to show her I need an hour to work.


Believing In Santa

Christmas is finally over and as usual – I have a very happy kid – and every year on Christmas morning – I see more and more difference in Chloe – she has definitely grown but she didn’t lose her innocence at all.  Why?  while her friends keep tell her that there is no Santa – Chloe strongly believes that there is one.  And I’m happy about it – I certainly don’t want her to be growing up so quickly and not believed in fairy tales and tooth fairies and the magic of Christmas.  Some kids in Chloe’s school are all so grown up and so persistent in telling Chloe that there isn’t a Santa Claus – I feel bad for these kids for some are even younger than Chloe.   Kids should have a bit of magic in their life as long as they can – don’t you think?