I finally found some cute beanie for Chloe and at very good price too !! Only $13 !!!! usually I try to get them from Etsy – but thus far they are far too small or the colors isn’t what we expected – quite disappointing when you have to pay so much for something eh. So I saw some on Kangol and loved the beanie there – and another hat too – for Chloe but I’ll get the beanie for – and it’s going be cold for a few more months – so she can still wear them. And because it is so cheap – I am going to get some for Christmas present for the end of the year – for some of Chloe’s friends – very practical and definitely worth every penny spent if the kids make use of it for months. I just love cute beanies for Chloe because she won’t get any younger and we all know that when they grow older they won’t want to wear cute stuff anymore – so I’m making the best out of the little girl years I have in her.
March Break Begins 2011
So March break begins this week for only a week – but there are no camps around town except for the YMCA and they are fully booked – because they can only take 15 kids in a town of 7000 – JOY! So we pretty much gotta find things to do with Chloe on our own to amuse her – for we all know how demanding a 7 yrs old can get. Today she heads out to her Grammie – because Grammie was feeling better – so she brought her guitar and toys to bring with to play at Grammie’s. But first we had to open the store and feed her lunch and then send her to Grammie’s – which ended up at 3pm I think for PB was stuck at the store – too many customers wanting his attention. But Chloe was able to amuse herself while she was at the store – Thank God! and she left for Grammie’s in a hurry – for she was waiting for hours – so she said. Anyway, I am going to do less work online – so that I can spend time with her and let PB do his work at the store.
Family Time @ Bowling Alley
There really isn’t very much to do in this town – and Chloe dislike shopping during the weekends – she said it is boring! well, until she finds something she likes and wants to buy it -hahah!! Plus Sundays are meant for relaxing and cleaning the house – so it can be quite the battle with time. But last week, Chloe suggested that we go bowling and we all did – after all, bowling is a really fun game for all of us. Well, despite the fact that the bowling balls are so small and the technology is like in the 70s – hahah!! yes ! i kid you not. Well, the most important thing is spending time together right? But yes, we are doing something out of our daily routine and the best part is we get to exercise a little and be a wee bit active. Chloe said we are not active enough – if only we have half as much energy as she does.
Princess Tea Party
The Princess Tea Party is organized by the Children’s Wish Foundation – and I’m sure you all know what they are. This year I decided that we will bring Chloe for the Princess Tea Party – after all, she isn’t getting any younger and you know how kids are – after a certain age – they don’t want to dress up as princesses anymore – they want to be all grown up. So yes ! at 7 yrs old – I think she is old enough to enjoy it. The tickets are expensive and a parent need to be there with them – they made it clear that they are not babysitting for you (so said the ticket seller). We bought our tickets today – after talking with Grampie and making him sponsor Chloe’s ticket. Now we have to think of her costume for the party – and since it isn’t halloween – I might have a hard time finding her the right costume. Chloe just informed me that her tiara is too small for her – so I might get some beads and other tiara stuff online and make my own tiara for her.
If you are wondering why there are so many tickets – it’s because I’ve round up a few friends and their princesses to go together with us. I’m very excited about the party – but chloe – she is so – so excited. She is more busy trying to get her pirate ship going – hahah! The party is in April at the hotel in town – cupcakes and tea will be provided. Can’t wait to take a ton of pictures.
My Baby Gal Is All Grown Up
Yes! look how big she is now – she is all grown up that’s for sure – but she has the sweetest heart and I know that because today when I got to work – I saw a sign she drew on our store’s door – a no smoking sign. But before she put the sign up – she asked if it was ok – for her grammie to smoke on the top of the stairs if it was raining – you see – she was worried that her grammie might get wet in the rain. What a sweetheart right?
She went for a hair cut last week – and this time she agreed to have her hair washed – before she didn’t want to – because she wasn’t tall enough for the sink – nor was she brave about it. So yes! she is grown up and it was just like yesterday – when I remember holding her in my arms – wondering if I will be a good enough mother to raise her up.
Parents/Teachers Meet Term 2 2011
So Chloe came back with her Report Card for Term 2 Grade 1 on Tuesday – and she had all Bs and As – a bit of improvement on some stuff – and slacking on Math and Science – but a chat with the Science teacher during the Parents and Teachers meet on Friday – proved that I was worried for nothing. The teachers think that she is doing alright – and she is good in class and responsive. But her home room teacher told us that she didn’t make it to the Reading Recovery Program – because they chose someone else who needed more help apparently – oh well! Am I pleased with her results – somewhat – but I was expecting more As – someone on Facebook said that it was the Asian mom coming right out – hahhaha!! prolly – Asian moms are more demanding I guess. But anyhow – below was what was written on her report card.
Chloe has made good progress this term in all her subject areas. She is improving her reading skills at a steady rate. She is now reading at mid grade one level. She is making steady progress with her writing. Chloe is a very beautiful printer and takes her time to produce neat work. Keep up t…he good work, Chloe!
After School Program
Chloe joined the after school program last week – after asking us if she could go a few weeks ago. We figured we could try it out and see if she liked it – because it is a good thing to keep her occupied – plus she would have someone to play with instead of being bored at the store with us. So we figured twice a week is good – and she loved it.
So what is the after school program about ? well – the teachers/program organizers keep them busy with activities and they play with other kids and they also provide a snack for them. But with Chloe – we bring our own snacks since she is fussy on what she wants to eat. But overall, she seems to be ok with the after school program and looked forward to it. So we will keep her there – till she said she doesn’t wanna go twice a week.
A Present For Baby Jervis
Baby Jervis is the Zhu’s baby and only last week we attended his one month old birthday – the full moon dinner – that’s what we Chinese called it. Anyhow, besides an “ang pow” for Baby Jervis – we also bought this for him. It was just too cute and Chloe wanted to get it for Baby Jervis and so we did. We had wanted to get something for Jervin too – Jervis brother – but there was nothing cute to buy for him – so we didn’t get anything. We love buying gifts for our friends’ kids and babies – it didn’t matter if it was no occasion – we just loved picking up little things for them. The “ang mohs” I think they don’t do that – even Chloe’s grammie doesn’t do that – except during Christmases and birthdays – but us Chinese – we just love getting stuff for other people’s kid. hahahah!!
Growing Up
I watched these twins grow up at our store – they are such delightful girls even when they were much younger. I remembered both of them telling me that they wanna come work at our store when they grow up – so cute! I met them yesterday during the Multi-cultural fest at the hotel and they were manning a counter for tickets to U2. And like usual – the 2 gals – they are twins were as lovely and polite as ever. When I see them I think of our old babysitter for Chloe and I feel a intense sadness rushed into me. You see I watched her grow up too – like these girls and I know that growing up can sometimes be hard and tough – but when I think of my old friend – I cannot but feel a sense of sadness.
I asked PB why some kids turn out the way they are while others turned out so well? Is it the parenting ? or the friends they are with – and PB said it is mostly the friends they are with. I watched my friend’s kids grow up with us – seeing that she haven’t finished her studies yet – or do what she said she was going to do for years – just makes me feel sad. She had so much going for her – because she was definitely a good looking and intelligent gal – so what happened? what went wrong? so why all the stories? all the fibbing? it didn’t do anyone real harm for now – but in the future as she grows older and the lies and stories become more intense – someone is going to end up hurt and wanna hurt her in return. We’ve all been teenagers before, and we have gone thru’ a certain amount of being shitty but it’s really sad to see my friend’s kids turn out this way – and now I fear for my own Chloe and hoping she isn’t going to mix with the wrong company – yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, you know what i mean right?
One Month Baby’s Celebration
While the westerners have baby showers before the baby comes – we the Asians have the celebration a month after the baby is born – we called it the baby’s one month celebration. Tonight we were invited to the Zhu’s baby one month celebration and the food was good – the conversation were all about babies and getting pregnant and how to increase breast milk for the babies. We also talked about the Chinese culture and back home this is called the red egg and ginger party. Traditionally, this is the day that the baby’s name is announced. We had a really good time and the Zhus were really good hosts.