When i Think Of The Good Times …

The bad ones comes along – have you heard of that before? hahah!! FB is a fantastic social networking tool – I’ll have to tell you. A few months ago, I not only found my childhood friend on FB by accident – just a few days ago – I found a cousin on FB. I also talk with my god-daughters on FB – although I’m not always on FB these days. But yes! i thought of connecting with my cousin – from my dad’s side of the family – but when I think of the good times we had as kids – the bad ones comes along as an adult. You see we were never closed – in fact the only memory of my cousins were when my grandmother was still alive and they would come visit my grandmother.

My cousins father was a meant man till he lost all his money in gambling. When he was broke – my mother came to his aid – and I still don’t understand why she did it – because we could ill-afford to help anyone. Anyhow – I gave it a lot of thought – and decided not to re-connect with them – and let old ties die there – afterall, I have my mother’s side of the family I’m closed with – so I’m not gonna dwell on the past.

Mixed Marriages

I had an interesting talk with a new customer who came in to rent some movies with us – he too is in a mixed marriage and asked me if I had any trouble as a immigrant in Canada. This is a nice little town – as you can see in this picture – a little backwards – a little outta the way – and don’t look very promising at this time. But 11 years ago – when I first arrived – this town was thriving and it was a busy street – but instead of moving forward – it seems to be moving backwards.

So did I have any trouble migrating here? Most people are nice to me – PB’s family and extended ones are very nice. They were curious at first – and understandable – but some people in this town are quite ignorant. Just because I look like Chinese – they think I am from China – nothing wrong with that – don’t get me wrong. But their impression of China is a backward country with people working in rice field I am guessing. But like any place – when you migrate – people are curious but they get use to you. Once or twice -I’ve been called names but that’s understandable too and some “customers” would try and bully me – but they are so mistaken – because Asians are never bullied – or will never stand to be bullied. But they also quickly learned this – and they still try sometimes – but all these years here – PB has learned to be more vocal and protective now – so I feel I am in a good place where this town is concerned. Mixed marriages can be very trying – but when you decide to migrate – you must already know – it’s not a bed of roses – and if you don’t know yet – or thinking – you should now expect it – It’s never a bed of roses in any relationship.

French Maid For Halloween

Halloween costumes are all up for sale everywhere in the mall and I’m tempted to dress up too this year. Last year – the girlfriends all dressed up for Halloween – and some were in a cat woman costume – another was in a french maid costumes and had joke that this costume comes in handy for other occasions too – like spicing up their love life and we had a good laugh about it too. So this year – I told the spouse – we should join in the fun with Chloe and get dress up too – afterall, we are never too old to be in costumes right? and it’s HALLOWEEN!!! so what kind of costume will you be in ? let me know eh.

Making Time To Play

I didn’t grow up playing with my dad – because he never came home – well, maybe once a year – but still we never play – nor read a book or anything. He comes home – my mom would serve him dinner – and then we all would already be packed in the room and getting ready for bed even though it is 7pm in the evening and the sun i still out. Yes ! we were that obedient – yet – my dad never appreciated it.

My siblings and I grew up being afraid of my dad – because he was only home to punish us – therefore, I never want Chloe to grow up this way – because it sure was a sad way to grow up. But we are always so busy at work – even though chloe comes to work with us everyday – therefore, we make sure we stop and play with her – even if we were busy. I also want Chloe to grow up to know her grandparents – so I make PB call his parents – to take her for a few hours if they can’t for more – that way – she doesn’t grow up not having played with her grandparents like myself. I grew up with regrets – regrets that i didn’t know my grandparents, my dad nor my cousins and relatives – so I don’t want history to repeat itself – I want Chloe to have a good childhood – so making time to play is an important exercise that I practice because of Chloe – what about you? is your spouse too busy to play with your daughter? if he is – make him make time – I do.

First Day In Grade One

So we survived the first day back at school yesterday – in fact even better than I thought. This morning – Chloe said she didn’t want to bring her teddy to school no more – and no more sippy cups too. Woohoo!!! my girl is growing up eh? All the fuss about the sippy cup from her old school/teacher – and like we said – when she is ready – she will say no to the sippy cup – but nope – the ex-teacher – just won’t let go. Thankfully, her new teacher from last year – didn’t say a thing about it.

This year – Mrs Boudreau is also in her class and a new teacher – but Chloe already said she liked her new teacher even before school started – apparently – she already met her new teacher last year and thought that she was nice. Yesterday morning – when we met up with the new teacher – she was really nice – so we are quite happy about it. I foresee Chloe going some changes but I am confident she will do well this year – keeping our fingers crossed.

School Starts

School starts in a few days – and even though we had gotten Chloe’s stationary and shoes a month ago – we haven’t gotten down to putting her names and initial down. So today – being Sunday – we decided it was time to do it – we are procrastinators as you can see – hahaha!! but being so busy with the store and our online work – you all can’t understand and excuse us of being slack. Chloe’s stationary came up to about $45 – plus we have to give the school another $6 upon returning to school for a diary/calendar. We are kinda excited as well as chloe – who is looking forward to school this year – we hope that this year would be just as good as she did with Mrs Bower and Mrs Boudreau. Both teachers are great – they really took care of chloe and were understanding towards my “helicopter” ways. But like last year – I’m gonna concentrate on Chloe alone and her class and her teachers – the rest – I’m gonna take a back seat.


U2 is coming to Toronto !!! yes ! you heard me right! Ahhh..! talking about U2 brings back so many good memories. Yes ! I grew up listening to U2! and yes ! they have been around for a long time – 30 yrs. I was in my teens too when they started the band. Irish guys and so handsome ! we all went ga-ga over all of them. So who do I liked? Bono of course!! and he still looks so good now – at 50. Wished they were coming to Halifax in November instead of Toronto but for those who are in Toronto and want some U2 tickets, make sure get yours really early – coz’ i hear they are sold out on every concert. Dreamy, dreamy I am now – and plotting to get to Toronto if I can in November – afterall, you don’t get to go for U2 concerts every other month eh. And I leave you with this you-tube of one of their many good songs – bringing you back to yesteryear.

Working In This Town

I have lived in this town for 10 yrs – coming 11 yrs this December and when I hear people telling me they have to move away for a job because they can’t find any suitable ones here – I sometimes wonder. You see I also know of many who has airport jobs and jobs at the hospital and they have had been there for ages now and very happy with where they are. So why is it that some cannot find a job or cannot keep a job while others are very happy with theirs? Is it the benefit from a company? or is it just the person? Is it the attitude? or is it the people who owns the business?

In the last 10 yrs – we’ve hired on many people and only a few that came along were good employees. You think you’ve seen all sorts of people – in our 11 yrs in business but not really true – we’ve yet to learn about employers and employees situation here. But I think the attitude of a person is very important don’t you? If i really wanted to keep a job when I was back home – i would put in the extra effort and extra time. Here – where I lived – people just don’t want to do anything extra – they just want to collect their pay check. In my humble opinion – if you want your boss to appreciate you – you have to appreciate your boss and go the extra mile – what do you think?

EllenWood Park For A BBQ

I have been in this town for 10 yrs to date and this is the first time that PB brought us to Ellenwood Park – yes! you see how adventurous PB is. So you all can start feeling real bad for me now – hahahha!! No food – no traveling – no adventure – and gotta deal with some verrrryyy.. verrrry.. strange people at times. PB’s parents/relatives think that I’m outspoken/blunt – but wait till they meet some of the people we meet and have to deal with.

Thank God for good people like Mr B & his family – they invited us for their son’s birthday – at Ellenwood Park for a BBQ – and if you know me – i heart BBQs. So we had a day of outing and we had beef stew ready for dinner/supper when we get home and I did all my housework on Friday night – and PB went out to get groceries with Chloe while i cook and shower and off we went. Ellenwood Park was great – next summer – we have to come here more often for swimming.

The lake was pretty clean and all – but mannnn.. the toilet !! i heard no plumbing ! bad management on the town or the government here – such a nice lake.

Insuring Chloe’s Future

As you all know – Chloe and I are very dependent on PB – and I never ask for money from PB except for food and the necessaries – nothing more. I don’t feel a need for money truth be told – i’m pretty contented as long as I can get some food from home. But we have to think for Chloe’s future – in case anything happen to us. So a few weeks ago when PB’s insurance guy was in – we got an insurance quote from him and we decided to buy a policy for Chloe just in case anything were to happen to us. You see – the house is insured and so is the business – so there won’t be any debt left for Chloe – should something happen – but we also want to make sure she don’t have to struggle and if nothing happens – well – she still can have the money – when we are not around anymore – when she turns into an adult.

When we were young, our parents weren’t able to buy bonds or any insurance for us – we pretty much have to fend for ourselves. Therefore, when I had Chloe – I never want her to be left with nothing – when we are gone. The business, the house – whatever that is ours – will go to her when we are not around – we want to insure her future. What about you? what have you done to insure your kids’ future?