All Our Baby Products

We’ve always believed in buying quality stuff for the brat. We ourselves can use generic stuff.. but when it came to the brat.. we only buy the best. I felt kinda sad.. when I hear Keegan’s sister in law said.. that she cannot buy better stuff for her baby.. because her child benefit only allow her to buy no brand stuff. No wonder, she never did seems interested when i showed her the strollers that i would use for her baby.. a few weeks ago.

She Is My Daughter


If you are her mama .. you too would be proud and smiling everyday. Some mothers say stuff about their kids.. and how they punished their kids.. and how bad they are.. and how they drive them crazy at times. Sure it ain’t perfect all the time.. but I think I have it alot easier than most moms because i’ve got loads of help.. from PB .. and our babysitter. On top of everything.. the lil’ brat.. wouldn’t do the things you say no.. even to eating candies or chocolates. If you donch believe me.. you can email her babysitter.. Keegan.. and ask her. She was sick today.. and i offered her some popsicles.. and she said to me.. “my daddy said.. i can’t have anymore junk food”… a matter of factly way .. to me and keegan.She uses words like “awesome” .. and “cool”.. when she plays her webkinz and buy stuff with the money she worked for on the game. You tell me how not to be proud and smiling everyday lah.

Just Us


My first time wearing sandals this summer.. i thought it was a good idea.. to take a picture of my family and I together. Nice way to remind myself.. what we mean to each other.. and have some fun.. looking outta the box. I can never ask for a better family. We’ll always be there for each other.. and count our blessings. What about you..?? Are you as grateful as I am .. for having our family together..?

Needles Done!

Thank God..!! we are done with the 2 needles that Chloe needed before going to school. We want to think that we are that kinda modern parents… that let the kid know what to expect..and why we are doing certain things. In other words.. we like the “reasoning” part of bringing our kid up.

So 1.5 weeks before the needles.. we started painting the scenario to her.. and explaining to her.. why she had to have it.. and how many days more. Of course, she would bargain.. and she didn’t liked it.. but she didn’t kicked up a big fuss either… because we just didn’t pushed it.. we went with the flow.. and we tried to give her examples of other kids she knows that had it done.

The day arrived.. and yes.. she did puked after the needles .. and there was some crying.. but i really think she did very well. The crying didn’t last for more than a min and another minute of puking.. and she was calmed down.. and she played with the toys.. and all. More info on the needles on my health blog and why i chose the public nurse over the family doctor.. and Chloe’s version of her experience on her own blog.

OMG!!! What Are You Eating .. Chloe..!!!!

For those who knows our brat .. Chloe.. you would know that we have a hard time feeding her any food .. or any new food. She eats noodles, rice and tofu .. and lots of corn.. and that’s it. She refuses to eat any kind meat.. but would eat luncheon meat. She would eat fish.. but not baked fish.

When we go up the city.. it is very hard to get her to eat anything. She would eat fries .. and nothing else. Very worried.. we packed things for her to eat .. when we are on the road. But on Saturday .. last week.. she ate something.. that we had been trying to get her to eat.. to make it easier for us.. when we are on trips. Wanna check it out..?? Click here.

Will You Help Me Please..??

I’m on a quest to show my brat what the world looks like beyond Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, therefore I’ve started a new blog especially for that purpose. Will you kindly help me collate pictures of your world, to show my daughter Chloe. Maybe, some day in the future we can visit your town or country, and the places of interest that you want to share with us.
Thank you so much for being part of my project/quest to show my daughter that there is a huge world out there. Send me a picture at : , of where you are from along with a few sentences about it including your name and blog address and I’ll put it up on my new blog: ……… Many thanks again.. 🙂

What Is Mama’s Lil’ Helper Up To..??

If you know me.. you know that i always keep my brat involved in whatever i do. Be it housework.. or cooking.. i let her “help” me. If i was doing some vacuuming .. she can use a dry mop to help mop the kitchen. Or if i was cooking .. i let her help me with putting in pepper .. or salt.. or stuff that is easy.. and she wouldn’t burnt herself. But of course we started her young.. telling her how hot the stove is.. so she never goes near the stove… when it is turned on.. and we are cooking something. And the lil’ missy helped again this morning. If you wanna see what mama’s lil’ helper was up to this morning.. click here. But be warned.. it’s uber cutie!! and if you donch wanna smile today.. donch go there now.

GPS Tracking For Your Loved Ones

With all the things that are going on around the world, one cannot help but be a wee bit paranoid, especially as a parent. And in the case where George Ford murdered a 12 yrs old, Summers, but claimed that he had accidentally ran her over, that really made me sit up and think the choices I have to make to keep my daughter safe now and when she becomes a teenager. A GPS Tracking device helped the police find out the truth about what happened with Summers. Of course, I am torn in between respecting my daughter’s privacy & trusting her, and keeping her safe. But I know if i explained it to her about why I am doing it, she would understand right..?

And no I wouldn’t keep her from knowing I have a tracking device in her car even though it is easy enough to slip it into the glove compartment or the trunk or even under the vehicle since it has a pretty strong magnet for mounting onto metal surfaces and is totally water resistant. The GPS Tracking key is connected to 24 Dept of Defense satellites orbiting the earth, combined with the LandAirSea GPS Tracking software, you can see or map where the car has traveled, and even how many stops they made or for how long, even how fast they were driving. Simply by plugging in the tracking key into a USB port of any computer you can download and view the data in Google Earth. I trust the GPS tracking systems by LandAirSea because it is said that each individual system has gone through extensive engineering and testing phases, both in the field and in the lab. Check out the clip below and I’m sure you will agree with me that protecting your loved ones is very important.

Having Fun With Grammie


Having fun with Grammie is what the lil’ brat does best on Sundays. She would asked.. is it Sunday today..?? and when we say it is… her reply..?? “Are we going to Grammie’s house today..??” Yes.. she had been quite attached to Grammie since young.. but i also noticed a change recently.. and that is she is more willing to hug Grampie too.. and not just goodbye hugs.


For those of you .. who are not aware of this… my MIL came to stay with Chloe when i was hospitalized twice. During the emergency operation .. she came despite the fact that she had her garden to tend to .. and my FIL to help. For that i am eternally grateful.. because i wouldn’t trust Chloe with anyone else. And of course, to my FIL too.. for not getting upset that my MIL had to stay so long. I could not have asked for a better set of in-laws.

I Got Candies !


Grammie came to visit this week.. and got keegan to bring the brat to Toots for a treat.. while keegan wanted some drinks. Of course, given a choice.. the brat would just choose any kind of treat. .and she chose this one.. and of course given a choice.. she would wanna eat all. But nope.. we let her eat half of it only.


What happened to the other half..?? we had meant to give it to her later in the day.. when she is done her lunch.. but daddy used the printer machine without seeing what was on it.. and it fell on the floor.. so poor Chloe.. no more treats. Luckily by then.. she had forgotten all about it. Thank God..!! else you know what was gonna happened right..?