One Of Those Days
I guess this week is gonna be one of those days.. where we will see more ppl trying to sell things to us then to buy things.
It is just too, too sad.. to see grown up men coming in to sell stuff.. with the excuse that “money was needed to buy milk” for his children. I mean.. how can you not have money .. for milk and food for your kids..?? Truly .. i donch know what to think of ppl like that.. and it’s not just one person doing or saying stuff like that.. it’s alot.
People just donch know how to manage their money. When they have it.. they just spent it like nobody’s business.. buying whatever that’s unnecessary at all. How lah to pity ppl like that.. ??? But PB .. he would buy.. irregardless.. because when someone said.. they need food for their children.. he would help. So although .. some might say PB is nonchalant.. i don’t think so.
2.28 NOT 2.00
A customer came in to pay for a VHS movie and asked me how much it was, right in front of me. PB wasn’t in at that time, and i had replied ” 2.28 tax included”.
She gave me 2 bucks and walked out..! muahahahahahha!! ppl are so freaking.. i donch know what to call it anymore..!! not like i’m hard up for that .28 cents .. but that’s taxes that the government wants..!!!
And it’s not like i donch speak freaking english.. !! ello..!!!! 2.28 !!! NOT 2 bucks..!!!
A Lined Up
Yes.. as soon as we pulled up to our store.. we see a lined up .. at the store’s door..! Yup..!! amazing eh..?? ppl here never fail to amaze me.. and i’ve said this time and time again.
And no.. they are lining up.. not to buy things.. but to SELL things..!! Yup..!! selling anything they can .. just to get a few bucks..!! Is this town poor..?? nope.. i donch think so.. just that .. they ain’t getting their priorities right.. ! Very sad..!!
The town has got potential.. but everyone seems to be there for their own ONLY.. ! one organisation.. or set of ppl are willing to combine effort.. to make sure.. that the town flourish.. and the ppl work.. instead .. of making babies.. and boozing.
Chinese Food That Never Came Part 2
Part 1 can be found here.
Well.. after just finishing my cheapie burger .. guess who called..?? Yes.. dear Mr Choo..!! But i didn’t wanna entertain him.. or wanna fight with him.. so we didn’t pick up the phone at all.
Next day.. dear Mr Choo called again.. but we didn’t pick up the phone again.. and on Saturday.. we told Keegan to tell him that we weren’t in. Monday came and went and guess who turned up at our store.. on Tuesday..?? Yes.. dear Mr Choo. He apolgized.. and of course.. i didn’t tell him i was upset.. and told him.. it’s alright.. and wanted to just let it go. But he went on and on.. and it’s funny.. coz’ i guess he must be really sorry.. coz’ why would he come and apologized right..???
So in a way.. it made us fell better lor..!! at least he was sincere enough .. to come apologize.. and not like some ppl or some business. So i’m inclined to think that Mr Choo is gonna succeed in this town.
Good Planning ..??
Once again this town continues to amaze me more and more. It’s Lobster Fest, as I mentioned a few days ago.. Last year they blocked off Main Street in the downtown core, about 3 blocks worth, to allow people to wander freely about and to give the downtown merchants plenty of sidewalk space to put out their products to sell.
This year they again blocked off part of Main Street, but only 2 blocks.
The block we’re on? Excluded of course. See how much traffic we have in front of our store today?
Coming Seafest 2007
This year’s Seafest is just round the corner. Now if you remembered.. we had made a big deal about it.. and tried our best to give the best back to the town.
This year we’ve decided not to do much.. because we have so many things lined up that needs our constant attention. PB and I are constantly kept busy beyond what we can handle.. now that we have corporate clients to take care of. Even though we are busier this year, we’ve decided not to hire anymore help.. and try to work harder on our own..due to the fact that we’ve never been lucky with our employees. For the past 6 months.. PB and I experienced nothing but bliss..! We were able to work out a schedule that fitted everyone.. and the customer/s and we saved alot of money from not hiring anyone additional. Best of all.. we just have to be nice to ourselves. Bliss..!
Sure we worked alot harder.. but nothing beats keeping all the money to yourself.. muahahahhahahhahaa!! an no more headaches..!
The Truth
The truth is sometimes very hard to listen to .. and at times.. it might even hurt you. But we tell the truth as it is.. to most of our ex-workers and the truth is.. ppl donch change eh..?? even after many years later.. you still hear ppl talk about your ex-workers.
And guess what they say..?? “not the strongest worker” or even “mediocre worker” as we had talked among ourselves when they were working for us.
Truth be told.. we’ve gone thru’ so many employees.. and tried so hard to give everyone a chance .. and in the end.. it is usually not in our favour .. which makes us realized.. how fortunate we are .. that we do not have to depend on anyone now, coz’ just a few days ago.. a customer was in .. and is currently working with one of our ex-workers.. and he had said.. to us.. that he cannot wait to fire him because that person is just plain lazy. And about a week ago, a collection agency was calling high and low.. for one of our ex-worker who haven’t worked here for about a year now. Ppl donch changed.. more than a year ago.. we already predicted.. this was gonna happen.. and it did.
Sad as it may be.. some ppl just isn’t worth our time… especially those .. who thinks the whole world is against them.. or those who is just plain weird.
Not A Miracle Worker
Received a phone call just a few minutes ago.. at the store. Caller asked PB if he fixes games..?? We do have a machine that we had paid 600 bucks for to repair scratch disk .. be it PS2 games.. Xbox games.. or even movies. But caller seems to want a miracle.. he asked PB if he can do anything.. if a chunk of the disk is missing..! Hahahhahahaahahahahahahahah!!!
OMG..!!! how retarded can ppl be.. ??? I told PB .. that he should have told them.. “he is no Miracle Worker!” You tell me lah.. how to repair anything if a chunk has come off..??
Ppl are so smart here.. eh..??
New Venture/New Excitment
PB and I have been approached by someone locally to work on something together.. for a few months now.. and we are prepping ourselves up for it. Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose what it is right now.. outta international patent issues.
But today.. i am unable to contain my excitement.. because i’ve seen this product work miraculously on my brat..! yes.. on my brat..! i donch know if it was instantly or not.. but it worked.
My brat was out playing in the front yard .. and PB had just mowed the lawn yesterday.. so with the newly mowed lawn.. there were lots of mosquitoes.. and of course.. who did those insects go for..?? THE BRAT..! yup.. she had a good few bites on her hands and legs.. and it was itching alright when she got into the house. PB took the new “venture” out.. and used it on her.. and no it is not a mosquito product or an insect product or any kinda cream… this is a totally organic thing we are talking about.. and not meant for insect bites or mosquito bites.. but because this organic thing/new venture that we had in hand as sample contact an organic mineral in it.. that can take care of insect bites.. PB used it on Chloe because he used it on himself .. a few weeks ago.. when he was bitten by a tick.
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