Jasmine At Easter


Of course we took this opportunity at Easter to visit some of Chloe’s friends.. Jasmine.. and Sarah before heading out to Grammie’s. They were short visits.. but what is Easter .. without taking the opportunity to teach Chloe all about sharing.. and interacting with other kids. But Chloe was pretty engrossed with Jasmine’s toys.. more than Jasmine… muahahah!

Jaws Teeth


These were the caps that the dentist put in for Chloe.. last Friday. It has been a week already.. yet.. it still feels like it was just yesterday.. that we did it. The brat isn’t that comfy with her new caps yet.. and eating very slowly too. So for those parents with young children.. do start brushing their teeth early.. and no food or milk after brushing the teeth.. else you might just have to go thru’ what we did with Chloe.. and i assure you it was no fun.

Back Log Thank Yous

There are just too many kind ppl out there.. and i’ve back log thank yous.. from December till now to write. The folks on the blogosphere had been so good to me.. and Chloe.. from sending gifts to chloe .. and food for me.. right from December to now. We’ve received gifts from IZEA .. for Valentine and have yet to write about that too.

I just want to say .. THANK YOU to everyone.. we’ve not forgotten.. but you all know how busy it had been for us.. since Christmas.. and then the move to our new store.. and of course .. the rejoicing of my immigration stuff.. and just yesterday.. we had to do major hospital stuff with Chloe.

The many warm messages sent over MSN .. and prayers for our Chloe was overwhelming. THANK YOU VERY MUCH..!! PB and I are indeed touched by all your kind gestures. THANK YOU and THANK YOU again.

Jittery & Queasy

Tomorrow at 6.45am is the big day for the brat, she is gonna get her teeth fixed. But because she is so young, they have to put her to sleep.. before they can do it. We already went thru’ the scenario about what we needed to do at the hospital.. but i know.. when the time comes tomorrow.. she wouldn’t go with the nurse. We are not allow to follow her till they put her to sleep, so i am dreading it big time.

It’s just that we never had to fix our teeth so young and seriously we donch give the brat alot of candies either.. so i donch know how she has gotten so many decay teeth. Oh well.. !

Something As Simple


To some of you out there.. having onion rings and chicken nuggets from Burger King is certainly no big deal. Some even refuses to eat them.. because they are deemed unhealthy. It is.. but for someone who haven’t had BK burgers or anything in BK .. for a few years now.. you can imagine.. how happy i was.. when we could make it. The nearest BK is about 3hrs away .. from the town I am in .. New Minas was the place we went to. Count your blessings.

Halifax In February


If you ever visit Halifax or Nova Scotia .. the best time to visit is the summer. This was taken right outside the hotel we were staying in – Econolodge or now called Comfort Inn. It is located in Bedford about 15mins to the city. Halifax is really beautiful. I wished Yarmouth was so vibrant because if it is.. i’m sure the tourist will come. Everytime i go up the city.. i cannot help but envy those that can eat and drink.. and do all sorts wherelse in yarmouth, there is just absolutely nothing.

Motherhood Changes One

It is really strange .. how motherhood changes a person. For someone who travelled so much for work .. before having the lil’ brat.. and staying in hotels for months on ends.. living in a suitcase…. i now have no desire whatsoever to leave home .. at all. If i hadn’t been able to bring the brat along.. i donch think i ever wanna come to the city.
For someone who only thought about where to go shopping the next day, I can only think of what to get for breakfast for the brat.. for we donch have the usual breakfast she is used to at home.
Does motherood do this to you too..?? I know PB had some changes too.. but different ones.. hhahaha!! i’m sure he wouldn’t mind going for a break without the brat for a few days.. but not me.. if i can’t see the brat for a day, i think i would be crying.. muahahha!!

I’m So Happy!

I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy! I’m So Happy!

Ok.. you get the picture right..??? Can anyone guess why i am so happy..??


Miscarriages are hard on every women. Today while we were at the hospital, we met a friend..who informed us that she had just lost her baby. I really felt bad for asking.. because i didn’t know any better. Next time .. better to keep my mouth shut. But she was very brave about it.. and wanted to try again. I didn’t say much.. but I hope .. she wouldn’t try again immediately, because the body does need some rest after doing a D & C.