A White Out New Year


As you can see we ushered the new year with a white out here in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Everything and everywhere is on a standstill right now. As at 5.13pm.. we haven’t lost power yet. .and we are darn keeping our fingers .. and toes crossed.


We hear that it is gonna last for another day or two. Bummer…!!! Before Chloe was born.. we have had such weather before but i think that was in February. We really didn’t expect it to be this bad.. because every year we escaped it.. but i guess we can’t be that lucky every year eh. Visibility is zero right now.. and we have been stuck in the house since yesterday evening.. and crashing at Phil’s place.. or ppl dropping in last nite.. did not happen.. as you can imagine why.

PS : These pictures are taken right outside our house.

We Lost Power For 18 Hrs


We were hit by a wind storm on Monday at 1.30am.. and lost complete power. In fact, I think the whole of Nova Scotia lost their power in this terrible storm. In all my years in Canada.. this was the worst that I’ve come across. We lost some shingles on the roof, our satellite dish and some sidings but we are safe, so that’s the most important.

We crashed at a friend’s house.. and they were wonderful ! they fed us and kept us warm and offered us a place to sleep in, if the power didn’t come back on in the nite. I told PB that years of investing in this friendship finally paid off… muahahahahah!!! We are expecting more snow tomorrow.. although things cleared up today. So if you don’t see me online, do have a blessed Christmas…!


A storm is heading towards the Maritime.. and i know that many parts of Canada.. is already experiencing it as I type. I wished that everyone stay safe .. and even though we are open today for business, we still headed out to stock up .. in case we get snow in. Water, can food.. and portable heat run by propane, plus lots of candles.. to last us for 24hrs. When you are living in Canada, you learn to be prepared for the worst.. and hope for the best. We’ve always been lucky.. but you can’t be lucky all the time right..??

So Distracted

This week .. i was so distracted.. by what i saw at Chloe’s school.. that when i left the school grounds.. i went into someone else’s car. Muahahahhaha!!! yup..!! have you done that before..?? the car right at the back of our red Ford Focus.. was red too.. but i wasn’t even thinking.. and walked right up to the car.. and wanted to go into the car. Luckily, PB asked me.. “what are you doing..??” from his side of the car.. and then i realized what happened… muahahhaha!!! too funny..!! I bet the guy in the guy must be thinking.. “wats the crazy chinese woman doing..?? ” Quite the embarrassing.. even more embarrassing then thinking my diet pill was vitamins. But that is another story for another day.

A New Adventure

For those that know me for years now must be wondering .. why I am not in business or buying some kind of franchises, since my plan when i first arrived was to get into some kind of “Body Shop” business. But when I made enquiries about it, Body Shop in Canada wasn’t selling any kind of franchise and they had said they will inform me if they do. For the last few years, i haven’t even thought about it till .. Chloe went to school.. and started having invites for birthdays. I also read about some funding with the government here.. and think that come the new year, i may have a new venture.. but first I’ll have to speak with another mother that i met .. at Chloe’s school. She isn’t from here you see.. so i can definitely see some potential in this new adventure of mine. Wish me luck eh.

Christmas Dance

I haven’t been to a Christmas dance since coming to Canada. Truth be told .. i missed the Christmas partying at home..and the many invites.. i get from friends and business associates. Dressing up.. and preparing for the big night.. was the “in” thing for us.. back home. .when i was working.. and if i wasn’t home… but working overseas.. you can be sure.. that i would also get invited.. for various parties. The men all in their tuxedo and the ladies all in their ballroom gown. I have a little black dress i left back home.. and this Christmas.. i sure missed that dress. What about you ..?? what are you doing this Christmas..??


I don’t know if you remember Jenn who used to work for us .. and drives a truck and a motorbike that even PB can’t write on it .. because it is too big for him. And by the way, Jenn is a tiny little gal.. who was not even 20 when she worked for us. But man..!! that girl had so many motorcycle accident.. i think she will do well with having the number for motorcycle accident lawyers Los Angeles. Well, anyhow.. just the other day, we heard she was engaged to be married. We had seen her not too long ago.. but she never mentioned it. Oh well.. ! i better not be kapo.. and ask her about it. Afterall, she will tell us when she is ready eh.

Woohoo..!! I Missed My Blog

Oh my..!! i sure missed my blog..!! blogsome was down..!! and i had an eventful Sunday..!! Poor Chloe was sick.. puking and diarrhea. We sat at the hospital for 6hrs..to see the doctor for 5mins tops..!! JOY..!!! Not! Anyhow..it’s 6.11am here.. and we were just woken up by the princess.. i’ll write more later.. !

Chloe @ The Town Hall


Chloe was at the town hall with her school decorating the Christmas Tree. She had such a wonderful time.. and if you want to see more pictures.. you should go over to her blog : www.monsterbrat.com. I really liked that the school is so gung-ho about bringing them out.. to experience new things all the time. Can you spot Chloe..??


Chloe all hurdle up with the big friend she had for partner for the day. It was really good planning on the school part to bring the older kids to look after the younger ones.. because they did have a traffic light to cross. I am pretty pleased with the organisation .. and truly believed that Chloe will do good in this school. Afterall, there is only 12 students in her class eh.

Ironic Eh..?

A week or two ago, PB’s oldest friend came to visit .. with his new born. Last week, his ex-wife came in with her new husband .. and she is having twins..!!! woohoo..!! twins..!! i told yer.. its the water here..!! Both are friends of us.. and i can’t imagine what they would do .. if they met each other with their own spouses now.

Whenever, a marriage or relationship fail.. both party has got to take responsibility .. but to say that they are faultless, any one party would definitely make me think what was going on in the mind of that person. No one is flawless or faultless especially in a failed relationship. What do you think..?? For me.. if my relationship fails.. it’s because I’ve put out so much.. and when I am either hurt.. or feel that it’s useless to even try anymore.. I give up. Of course, if any of my relationship failed, I feel that I’m at fault as well. I asked PB .. can ppl fall outta love .. when they were so “in love” once upon a time?? His answer..?? “they probably weren’t very much in love at all” or “never was”. What is your take on it..??