DIY 101

Over in Canada.. we get our weekly flyers.. for all the shops in the mall. But unlike back home.. our flyers consist alot more on home improvement stuff.. and groceries. It is no wonder that men around here are very hands on.. because it sure looks easy to build your own fence.. and other stuff around the yard or inside the house. Quite different from home.. whereby .. labour is quite cheap.. therefore you can get a handy man to come over and work on your garden for you.

I don’t know if you remember from many years ago.. back home in asia.. they have ladies going to offices to clean your phones. Come to think of it. .it was quite ridiculous .. if you asked me. How come one can’t clean their own phones..?? When i think of it.. i still cannot comprehend the whole concept about having someone clean your phone once a week.. and stick on the piece of refresher on the mouth piece.

Immigration Card

More than 4 weeks ago.. i was told that i should be receiving something in the mail for immigration purposes and finally it arrived today. You have to wonder.. about the efficiency of the Canadian government. At first .. i thought it was just us.. being slow.. but you see even after finalizing everything.. they were still as slow as a tortoise. It was frustrating.. and more than 5 weeks later.. i finally got my immigration card. Now to change my social insurance number to a permanent one. Another appt i am so not looking forward to.

Quadruplet In Town

I told yer .. this is baby town..!! but Frank from Nunavut begs to disagree.. hahahahha!! I have prove ..Frank..!!! My MIL came to babysit today.. and asked if we bought the local newspaper.. and we said no.. because we were boycotting them.. but that’s another story.

Married for 7 yrs.. they had been trying to have babies.. and wasn’t expecting all 4 to come at once.. but thanks to Dr Mukhajee.. who is also my gynae.. i’m so proud of him.. this couple will be having all 4 babies at once..! It is rare i tell yer.. but i can’t wait to see the quadruplets.. 😉 if they let me.. muahhaha!!!

Proper Education ?

“All Tri-County Regional School Board schools in Yarmouth and Shelburne counties only will be dismissing at 12:30 p.m. and 1:30p.m. today because of inclement weather.”

Every little bit of excuse.. they can come up with … a little bit of snow throughout the day.. and they are sending the kids home. I donch think my brat is gonna get a good education here. The teachers or the board seems to love to send the kids home.. or have what they call “in-service” or relief teachers.. that does nothing .. for the kids. I am extremely disturbed by these.


The weather hasn’t turned warm for us here yet. We are all still bundled up pretty much.. when we go out. Yesterday.. i stayed home with the brat.. because .. i wasn’t really ready yet.. when PB was about to leave for work.. so i tempted the brat with chinese noodles.. for lunch.. so that she would stay with me.

In a way it was good to stay home.. but my fibroids started acting up really bad.. and no amount of 4 hourly painkiller.. would make the darn pain go. Chloe was pretty much good .. the whole day.. and didn’t really fussed so much.. as though she knows i am sick. Amazing isn’t it.. how kids are.

The Idiot Season Has Just Begun

Yes.. you heard right..! the idiot season has just begun here.. in Y-Town. Why..?? We just got home at about 9.15pm.. from work.. and even before we parked our car.. we heard siren going by. While inside the house.. a few more cars with siren went by.. and after i got my dinner ready.. and Keegan left.. another one went by.

There must have been some ppl burning their grass or something similar. Around this time of the year.. we have idiots who tries to burn their own house down.. and others.. just because they wanna clear the grass. Very irresponsible if you asked me. And we are not talking about one idiot.. mind you .. we are talking about quite a few out there.. and they still do it.. even though they know they are not supposed to.

DownTown Halifax


Just thought I would try and show everyone .. how downtown, Halifax looked like. So that everyone wouldn’t think the town i am in . .is the same as the city. Halifax is the city. . and Yarmouth is not. It is not vibrant.. nor does it have anything spectacular to show. Unlike a 4 hrs drive away.. in Halifax.. they have almost everything.. and hotels are aplenty. The hotels we have here.. in Y-Town.. well..i’ll have to say.. is nothing compared to home.. that’s for sure.

Brighter Evenings From Today

Daylight savings just started today at 2am for us. I was all prepared for it.. but it still took me by surprised.. because i had forgotten about it.. after midnite. So donch forget to turn your clocks right .. else you might not get to work on time .. on Monday.

Home made Hot Pot


Looks like hot pot right..?? or steamboat..??? Can be both actually.. for you all know that if i wanted to eat anything remotely close to home.. i would have to cook them myself… and try and improvised. Here I put together .. some beef balls.. and enoki mushrooms.. that i had gotten from Halifax.. because they are way cheaper at the Asian grocery store than at Sobeys. And i used the thai hot and sour soup paste .. and mixed them together.. and then add in some bee hoon.. and there i’ll have some spicy noodles. Not bad eh..??

Blue Lobster


Saw this blue lobster at our local grocery store – Sobeys. Pretty unique eh..?? We donch get to see blue lobsters often.. but once in a while.. they do get caught.. and get sold in the local grocery store. I wonder what they taste like eh..?