Roll Up The Rim Time

Yup.. the time has come.. !! Tim Hortons Roll up the Rim contest is back. And it’s about time i won something. I didn’t the whole of last year..! so you see how bad my luck was last year right. Nah..! i donch expect to win big.. but one year i was winning coffees and donuts.. all week long.. but last year.. not one..! bummer..!


You Wouldn’t Believe It..!

But I have photos to prove..!! i took it tonite.. while coming home from work. It’s the end of February .. and it’s snowing big time here..!! Every year at this time..!! i cannot help.. but rant . .and lament.. big time..!! i have high hopes.. that come March .. we will see spring.. but you can understand my disappointment now eh.. 🙁 Not impressed at all..!!

snow in feb


Miscarriages are hard on every women. Today while we were at the hospital, we met a friend..who informed us that she had just lost her baby. I really felt bad for asking.. because i didn’t know any better. Next time .. better to keep my mouth shut. But she was very brave about it.. and wanted to try again. I didn’t say much.. but I hope .. she wouldn’t try again immediately, because the body does need some rest after doing a D & C.

Drama Rama

I swear we treat all our present and ex-employees well. In fact we would go outta our way to help them, understand them and assist them in any ways we can. But if you say or reprimand them for being slackers or being mediocre workers only, they would come out with all sorts of drama-rama.

Today, we met an ex-b/f of an ex-worker and he himself said that it was really dis-respectful of our ex-worker to behave the way she did when she resigned. Like i said.. we were really kind to her.. and went outta our way to help and accommodate her in anyways we can. But boy..!! was it drama queen for her.. even when she was working with us. But we took all that.. and didn’t even complained at all. But at least .. we donch have to deal with anymore drama-rama kings and queens no more. And thank God.. some ppl do understand what we had to put up with.. because this ex-b/f of hers.. agreed whole-heartedly .. how good we were to her. Donch you just hate drama-rama queens and kings.

When In Rome

While eating wanton noodles.. or meepok for breakfast is a norm.. when i was in Asia.. i would never eat them here for breakfast. Wanton noodles are for lunch or supper.. but never breakfast for me here. Breakfast consists of toasted bread.. sausages.. bacon.. sometimes eggs, sometimes.. hashbrown.. but nope.. will never eat wanton noodles. So i guess.. i do act like a roman when I am in rome eh.

Call From Toronto

A few days after Chinese New Year, I received a call from Toronto from Mrs Chan. If you remembered.. Mrs Chan was the owner of the now defunct chinese restaurant.. China Court. She retired.. and went to London, Ontario to be with her 2 sons. I had called on the 2nd day of CNY to wish her “Gong Hei Fatt Choy” but she wasn’t in.. Chloe and I left a message. She called back.. and you know what.. I do miss her alot… and all the good food she used to cook for me. .and sent Mr Chan to deliver to me downtown. I missed good ppl in this town.

The Difference

The difference between staying in Canada.. and Asia.. is the weather. Getting stuck in the house .. the whole day.. because of the cold weather.. can drive one really crazy. This is the reason why.. i try my best to bring the brat to the store for a couple of hours.. if it isn’t that crazy out there. Afterall, she is a kid. and she does need a breather right..?? to run around.. and do stuff.. like interaction with real ppl.. not just her crazy chinese mummy.

My First Time

Wah Lau..!! what are you all thinking of.. huh..?? muahahhahaha!!! not that kinda “first time” lah..!! but first time i played radio bingo..!!! ok.. i lost your attention already right..?? never mind… hehehe!!

I played radio bingo for the first time last nite.. and it was hilarious.. coz’ i didn’t played it before.. but then heard about it alot. My MIL is a fan of Bingo.. and goes every Tuesday for her gaming session. So i tried it out today.. but didn’t win anything though. But my brother-in-law, Richard got lucky.. and won $120 .. woohoo..!! oh.. it’s only $5 to play a card.

Missing Nova Scotian Girl Slained


A few days ago, i had written about missing Karissa Boudreau, 12 years old gone missing for a few weeks. Last week, they found a body.. and i prayed it wouldn’t be Karissa. As a mother, we can all well-imagine what her family was going thru’. Late Thursday, it was confirmed thru’ dental records, that the slain body was of Karissa. My heart just felt so heavy. Homicide said the police. I don’t know what to think .. to be honest with you. I just feel very, very sad. I am not even living near Bridgewater.. nor do we know Karissa or her family.. but I feel their pain. Bringing up a kid for 12 yrs.. is not easy.. and for her to die this way.. after fighting over something that may at that time.. be important.. but now seems insignificant.. i feel for her family. God bless them .. and help them thru’ this very difficult time.

Missing Teen


Much watched news for the last 2 weeks is missing teen, Karissa Boudreau. Today, a body was found near Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. But they haven’t confirmed if it is Karissa Boudreau. I pray very hard that it is not her. 12 yrs of bringing up a kid is not easy. I cannot begin to tell how the parents must be feeling right now. The anxiety and everything else that comes along with it. God bless her family.. this is really devastating.