You See How Smart This Town Is

I was late in buying my local paper this week. If you donch know by now, we only have 1 paper once a week. And guess what I found out with our local paper today..?? A whole section of dedicated 20 pages to Dwight Deon..!! the Canadian Idol Finalized..!!! Yes.. once a week the paper comes out.. with less than 100 pages.. and 20 pages all on Dwight Deon…!! i have nothing against Dwight Deon mind you .. ! but you can see .. where our ppl in this town.. and the news people see their priorities are..!

Not on the warning of the hurricane that might be coming our way.. not on how many Canadian soldier losing their life .. in Afghan .. but on a homeboy made good.. in the entertainment industry. I figured even 5 pages on Dwight is way too much.. but nope.. 20 pages is what Dwight Deon commanded. Well done.. Yarmouth… !!


YMCA is just across our store.. not far.. and yet.. we rarely go to YMCA because yearly membership is very expensive at about 900 bucks a year. I know they are planning for some upgrade, and Barrie MacGregor is someone that we do know, he is the executive director and apparently their new and star project is a new aquatic center.

With the changing of times, they want the new Y to be more user friendly but it is really too expensive a membership to pay and i’m not willing to part with 900 bucks.. unless it’s an exclusive club. I donch even think the Y have WiFi or a cafe outlet .. in this town. Certainly quite different from our YMCA back home.

Now if they have a Starbucks.. with free WiFi for all its member.. maybe.. just maybe.. i might think of joining, just to get away.. and write in peace for a couple of hours.. muahahhaha!!

Not Fat But Curvaceous

We received our weekly flyer yesterday.. and what caught my attention with one flyer of our local store here in this town was that they have a section for clothings for “Big” women..! and they donch call them FAT or BIG!! they call them “Curvaceous” .. !! very nice eh..?? there is no fat or big women here.. in Canada.. only Curvaceous ones..!

No wonder this town is full of “CURVACEOUS” women..! I guess you know why the women here gets more and more curvaceous here eh..??

School Begins Today

School begin today and like every year.. we see all the kids out for lunch at noon. This year our babysitter, Keegan is going to school at Central .. instead of her french school. We won’t have her 3 times a week now.. but 2 instead..!

Chloe on the other hand is not due for pre-school till next year, since she is a December child, she actually got another year before we need to send her to pre-school. Plus with her potty problem.. we still are working on it. Once she can do her poopie in the potty.. out she is going to pre-school.. muahahahhaha!! More free time for me.. and let me remind you .. i have no maid.. full or part time..!

Not Trustworthy Part 4

Well.. guess who is gonna be the latest addition to my Wall Of Shame..?? Read Not Trustworthy if you haven’t a clue as to what i am saying.

It’s already Thursday today.. and we have given Mrs Not Trustworthy the benefit of doubt and even waited .. for her to show up at her store to lie to us again… but guess what..?? she didn’t even bother. We heard that she has been giving bad cheques everywhere in town.

She has got 3 kids.. and i wonder what criminals .. her sons are gonna turn out to be. For sure .. Mrs Not Trustworthy is never gonna be able to do business with us.

PS : I shall update all.. when .. we go knocking on her door really soon..!

Life Would Be..

So much nicer if more ppl were like Lynn Miller. It was a small gesture .. left in our mail slot.. this morning.. with a small token of money and a note saying .. “thank you” to PB for helping her over the phone last nite.. with her puter trouble.

No .. we didn’t ask her to pay for that service.. it was just one of those things that PB would do for his customers. We didn’t expect anything.. yet.. there are such nice ppl like Lynn Miller .. who really appreciated.

Red Alert!

When a customer comes in and buys a PSP from you.. and then asked you if he can return it for cash.. after 24hrs.. won’t you get all your “beware of him” antenna up..?? Yup.. ! i did anyways..! because we had one customer that asked us that today.

Well it seems like he has a PSP but it wasn’t working right for him. So now we are wondering.. if he is gonna try and switch his broken one for our good one.. and return it tomorrow..??

See when I told you .. owning your own business ain’t easy at all.. you know what i mean.. eh..??

When You Smell Like Fish

I had said many a times.. this is a fishing town right..?? but i also had forgotten to mention that we have many fish plants in this town.. and half the population of this town.. works in the fish plant. It is hard work. .but pays very well.. plus you get to claim unemployment.. because it is a seasonal job.

But when you are just done work.. in the fish plant.. please go home.. and donch come out till you are showered like 3 times.. because coming into our store.. and staying for 20mins.. just stinks up the whole store for me. .and all my Body Shop’s home fragrance.. will go wasted. So folks if you smell like fish.. please donch come into our store.. unless it is a case of life and death.

Preparing For A Big Storm

It’s the hurricane season here in Canada.. and we may be hit by it. We are just a week away from the peak season of this climate change. Newfoundland saw a post tropical storm last week, lots of rain and flooding there.

We were hit hardest in 2003, when Hurricane Juan smashed through NS, we ere very lucky .. because it missed us in Yarmouth, but Halifax was hit really hard. Seven people dead and more than $100 million in damages.

So if you donch see me online for a few days.. or a week.. donch panic.. it prolly means our town is hit by the storm.

Cradle Robbing Doesn’t Work For All

I’ve said to all .. about all relationships are ..over in this small town of ours. Ppl get together.. stay together.. and a few months down the road.. they kick their b/fs out.. and then go with another man.

Moreso, this town.. loves the way younger man.. and older woman relationship. In our line of business… we get to know the ppl .. and today itself.. we heard that a customer of ours.. isn’t together anymore. She has 3 other kids.. with someone else.. and 1 with him.. he is but a kid.. when they got together.. and she looks like his mother. I was wondering.. how long .. this relationship was gonna last. And it did last .. longer than i had expected.

But nope.. cradle robbing donch work for everyone. I’m a cradle robber too.. muahahahha!! PB is way younger than I .. about 8 yrs, but seriously i donch look like his mother or his sister.. and thank God.. for that..! coz’ i wouldn’t know how to face ppl if i were like my customer.. who looked every bit like his mother.. and a way older sister. My advice.. to ppl who wants to cradle rob.. make sure.. the spouse looks way older than you .. and must be bigger size ya..! this one.. 3 times his size.. !! “malu-ration..!!”