What’s inside their head..??

Sometimes you gotta wonder.. what ppl are thinking..?? and it’s not only one or two customers that walks in every other week.. and demand to set up an account to rent movies/games but without any sort of ID..!!!

You tell me lah..!!! got ppl like that ka..?? how am i gonna rent you my $80.00 game.. just because you say you are you .. and no other kinda identification..?? What the hell is inside their brains..?? Surely, you cannot expect us to give you our property for a mere $3 bucks.. and then HOPE to God.. you will come back with it.. ???? Already those who have given their IDs .. sometimes donch even come back with our property.. so what makes you so damn special..???

It’s like going to the bank.. and asking for a loan.. without any collateral ..!! So you think the bank will “chup” you or not..??? Stupid or what..??

No Need For Reasons

Today is a Civic Holiday here in Canada.. ! and if you ask anyone.. what is a civic holiday.. and what is it about.. ?? what are you celebrating.. to have a holiday..?? I am sure.. everyone will tell you .. they donch know the reason for it.

No one could explained what this so-called Civic holiday about .. what i was told by my MIL is.. it’s just a holiday for the first Monday of August. Muahahhahahaha!!! see there is no need for any reason for a holiday here..!! Maybe someone should tell PM Lee back home in Singapore.. that too..!! see what he would say or think..??

I think like me .. PM Lee would shake his head… and think to himself.. !!Wah Lau..!!! why “ang moh” so lazy one..!! kakkakaka!!!

Sou Wester Bike Rally 2007

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This special series is for Cooknengr – Eddie..!! I have been reading his blog for years now.. and this “tai-kou” from Malaysia .. who is now a citizen of US of A .. is not only funny.. but one hellavu fellow.. who loves good food.. and good fun..!! He lives life to its fullest.. and he is a dare to try all guy..!! And i know he has a thing or two about bikes. So Eddie .. this is for you ..!!

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Yer Gotta Be Kidding Me..??

On CBC yesterday, the Tourism Industry Association of Canada said and i quote.. “The summer of 2007 has so far seen more business for the world’s largest hotel chain compared to last year.”

Is he kidding me..?? What about some towns.. like ours..?? We have had bad tourism year since 2005 and even though the town council kept saying they are doing this and that about it.. there are still discrepancy as to where .. the tourism money that we had pumped into this town.. and we are never clear about where money is going or went to .. and how it is used.

Do you know that no one is appointed to clean the Main Street of this town!!! For the past 7 yrs .. if there were dog shit on the ground.. it is left there to dry up.. or the store owners need to clean it up themselves. No morning clean up.. before the business day starts .. like we have back home. So what are we paying taxes for..?? But that’s another story for another day.

Value For Money..??

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I had written earlier that we were at Misha’s Cafe last Sunday right..?? As soon as we walked into the cafe.. we saw Tom.. with this huge ice cream..!! And this picture doesn’t do it justice.. because it was huge.. and definitely value for money. .like i said. And for Chloe’s ice-cream… i know they didn’t charge as much.. because .. the total bill came up to really reasonable. Oh .. and if you are wondering who Tom is.. he is someone that PB knows.. from when Tom was really young. This is a very small town.. like i said. .and everyone knows everyone.. ! For the 1.5hrs that we were there eating.. we met quite a few ppl dropping in to get some ice creams mostly.

Continue reading “Value For Money..??”

Finally At Misha’s

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We finally made it to Misha’s Cafe last Sunday!! all winter.. i can think of nothing but my reuben sandwich.. and ice cream for Chloe. Misha’s cafe serves good food.. and at the best prices. PB, Chloe and I had a full meal for like only 15 bucks. As you can see Chloe loves her ice cream.. and if we didn’t stop Jessie (the gal who works there) and asked her not to fill up the ice cream cone.. she would have a really big ice cream. Value for money.. and friendly service.

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Our Love, Hate Relationship with the Cat

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Yes.. this is the CAT..! not your regular pet cat.. that Boo from masak-masak loves.. 😉 but a high powered boat that carries the tourist from Maine to Y-Town., travelling at 40 knots.. it can be quite choppy .. if the water is rough.

And the reason why we have a love-hate relationship with them is because .. they re-scheduled the CAT so many times.. to currently suit the Portland and Bar Harbour businesses better. We are left with nothing .. and we are not even open .. when the Tourist comes to town. I know the negotiation had been going back and forth.. but i also know that the runs are fewer this year… and today.. i just spoke to someone influential from town.. and he too wants to migrate to the south.. since hotel occupancy is currently at 40% now. Big blow for the local business here.