Daily Updates – 7th March 2006

  • The lil’ brat fought her sleep again and slept at 11.30pm last nite, after mummy left the living room. A wee bit earlier than her normal time.
  • Woke up at 4.58am with daddy and had some water and pee pee changed and then went back to sleep at 5.22am. We have decided to give her water from now on to deter her from waking up and having unecessary calories.
  • Woke up at 8.57am and had some milky and asked for “mum-mum”.
  • Had waffles for breakfast and no yogurt because daddy had forgotten to buy some.
  • Played with daddy as mummy went back to nap for abit.
  • Had fried rice for lunch, cooked by daddy.
  • Went down to nap at 2pm to 3pm.
  • Grammie came to babysit as daddy and mummy had to rush to the store.
  • Had intended to bring her to the store.. but because of those thieves we were laying traps to catch, we decided against it for fear of frightening her in a commotion.
  • Had some of Grammie’s french fries and had dinner with Grammie . .at about 5pm.
  • Grammie took her out for a walk as the weather was really good. And she kept her socks on all nite.
  • Daddy fed her cereal at 8pm and mummy bathed her and washed her hair.
  • Was spanked again, just before bath time, for she was choking mummy and after crying and all, threw up.
  • Had some crackers and milky after bath and watched a show with daddy. Started early tonite, in hope she will sleep early too.
  • Mummy left the living room early, so that she will sleep early we hope anyways..
  • Slept at about 10.30pm.