Poopie in the Potty

Yup..! she poopie in the potty.. ! she poopie in her potty..! but only by accident.. i think. I doubt she knew she was gonna poop in the potty. .and after only a few poopie.. she wanted out from the potty.

Guess what she said.. when she got out..??? “Yay..! i poopie in my potty..! now i want CANDIES..! MOM..!”

Because we had promised and tried to bribe her for the longest time.. that if she poopie in the potty.. we would give her treats.. buy her pressies.. and everything you can think of. So she rightfully thinks she deserved some candies at least.. since she did poopie in the potty. Hahhahahaaa!! what a smartie-pants..!