Ra-Ra with X-Ray

A quick update on my x-ray today. I went in at 12pm for my 12.20pm appt and only got to do my x-ray at 12.45pm, the x-ray was a breeze.. the technician who took my x-ray was very nice. No hassle or anything. But she wouldn’t say if there was anything unusual with my x-ray .. but i had to sign a form.. that i won’t sue them.. hahahhaha!! so strange.

So i wouldn’t know anything till next week i am guessing. So wish me luck.. and hope for the best… coz’ i won’t wanna start worrying now.. because there really ain’t anything i can do about it.

But my MIL said.. or maybe to comfort me..?? that she have had x-rays done.. and they had made her go back and do it again.. because of shadows too.. and it didn’t turn out anything bad. So that’s a comforting thought. Anyhow.. i shall definitely update everyone.. about my progress.