Holy Shit..!! And he said that it is hard to make a living doing repairing in this town..??
Our 53″ TV went bonkers during the winter.. and because it was winter.. we decided to not repair it right away, afterall.. we’ve got priorities right… and there are like 3 spare tvs around the house.. that we donch use.
Yesterday.. we got our big tv fixed.. and when he quoted less than we expected.. we were actually quite pleased with it. And then hor.. PB saw the damn bill.. he charged us $150 freaking dollars for labour.. for 2hrs of work. That nevermind, when we checked on the internet the part he replaced.. it only cost 10 bucks.. but he charged us like 90.00 .. now that’s abit too much..!! He must think we are “water-fish”..??
We are very unhappy lor.. because we service computers for only 20bucks an hour.. and here.. ppl ripping us off.. the way they do.. left, right and center.. and some more the tv man.. can say .. he can’t make a living..?? Wau Lau Oiiii..!! KNNCCB..!! 300 bucks.. can buy so many diapers for my daughter you know..!! I can understand if he charges like $150 bucks for everything.. but this is ridiculous lor..!