I’ve had fibroids for a long time now.. but it never used to bother me at all.. till I gave birth to my daughter 3.5yrs ago. There is really nothing one can do with fibroids.. unless I decide to have it surgically removed. As it is non-cancerous.. nor life threatening, the gynecologist usually leave it up to you to decide if you want surgery or not.
The only way to relief cramps caused by fibroids is to take a pain-killer. But these days, the regular pain-killer that i am using doesn’t seems to give me much relief immediately. I was recommended to Nurofen Plus by my pharmacist because it provides powerful pain relief through the dual action of ibuprofen and codeine.
Nurofen Plus works better for me because the ibuprofen targets the site of pain locally, and reduces inflammation of my fibroids. The codeine in it reduces the brain’s perception of pain. No prescription needed as it is over the counter purchase.
I know that Nurofen Plus is not a permanent solution .. but in the meantime.. while i work up the courage to have it remove surgically, Nurofen Plus is currently the best pain-reliever for me.
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