To Sell Stolen Phone..??

2 gals came into the store a few days ago.. and tried to tell me a story about a mobile phone they picked up. There were no charger to the phone.. it was deactivated and they were trying to sell it to the store just for a few bucks.

The gals were young.. i donch think they were more than 14yrs old .. and if they had picked it up.. why didn’t they turn it in..?? and why would i buy a phone that is deactivated .. and maybe was disconnected because they owed so much on the phone… or worst stolen.

Many years ago. .when PB first started this business.. we have had ppl coming in with cellphone/mobile phone.. and trying to pawn them on us. We learned the hard way .. because with all the glamorous stories that came with it.. the phones were usually not resell able. Sure we prolly lost like 20 bucks a phone.. but it’s still money. I still cannot fathom why there are so many ppl who are doing stuff like that.. after all these years. This is such a small town.. and the gals were pretty gals too.. ! what a pity ..!