My Kid Say The Darndest Thing


Yes..! she does..! today .. we were home late .. because of the Halloween Parade.. so we came home.. i gave her some leftover oranges.. from her lunch even though she said she wanted grapes. So she finished her oranges.. and told me.. “I have been waiting for my grapes you know? ” In which i replied.. “do you still want grapes..?? since you already have some oranges?” In which she replied .. ” yes…! i’ve been waiting patiently you know..?? i’m practicing patience you know..?” muahahah! With a kid like that.. who needs any best wrinkle cream anymore right..?

The other day .. we went to her old school’s playground.. and she made me go from one playground to another. You see there are 3 playgrounds there… and having walked from the store.. and running up the hill with her – i was so outta shape. In which she said.. “there’s a bench there, mommy. .. i promised you can sit and rest there” .. muahhahaha!!

So she had been practicing chinese language.. and the other day.. her daddy was being bad.. according to her.. and she said to him.. ” Mo tak Kwai eh leh.. !!” muahahahah!!! She is too funny right..?