Words Can Wound

So Chloe came home from Grammie’s last nite – all tired and excited – she said she loves going to her Grammie’s and we had told her we were very proud of her – in which she replied – “so did you get your work done?” “is it because I’m not annoying you?” Well, that took us by surprised ! because we must have said something to Chloe to make her think that she was an annoyance or like eczema. So parents – we have to be very careful what we portray to our kids and what we say to our kids – what we said – or think at that point of time when we did say something to our kids – may not really sit well with them. Or if you think they don’t get hurt by words because they are too young to understand hurt – well you are wrong.

Kids mainly aim to please and Chloe is not any different – she would act silly or if we were laughing at some stuff she was doing – she would keeping doing it again and again to make us laugh. I strongly believed that kids grow up to be what their parents are – you are a great influence to your kids if you don’t know this by now. If you were being mean or petty to your in-laws or siblings – your kids are gonna do the same to theirs. So be watchful with your actions and words because words can wound the gentle heart.