Blood Sugar Down

My blood sugar went down today.. not to normal yet.. but half of what i had yesterday. So that was pretty good. I’m gonna have to watch what i’m eating and drinking from now on again.

I’ve been slacking in that area.. ever since i had Chloe… because when i had chloe.. my blood sugar was as normal as one can get. I know it is wierd.. for most ppl have their sugar level real high up there.. but nope.. not mine.
So after having chloe.. i have been slacking thinking that everything is back to normal. So when i started getting headaches for no reason.. i decided to check my blood sugar again.. and boy!! was i shocked..!! highest ever. But i’ve been back. and been drinking pepsi and eating ice-cream and banana .. almost every nite.
So no more pepsi.. and no more ice cream.. and no more bagel with light cream cheese.
What a bummer..!! Especially for one who eats everything moderately..!! except for durians of course..!!