I want, I want

I realised that all our workers that we’ve hired .. only knows ..in their mind.. “I want, I want” and if things do not go their way.. then it is ok.. for them to say .. they are not coming to work.. even though they have already agreed the day before .. to work the next day.

Now if i had agreed to give them time off.. on a certain day.. and decided not to.. a day in advance..?? do you think that they would just be like us.. and say “ok.. donch worry about it.. we will work the shift”.

Worker A who had agreed to work tomorrow shift of 3 hrs.. for Worker B, called us at home at 10pm .. to let us know.. that he was unable to work.. citing that his parents were called into work.. and he could not get a ride to town.. and that 3hrs shift is not worth his while to come in to work, meaning too little money.

But when we hired Worker A, he had told us.. that it was nothing.. if he didn’t have a ride.. he could walk to work.. no biggie. But now that we only need Worker A for 3hrs.. all of a sudden .. it is not good enough.

Yes.. their mentality here is … I want.. and I want.. and I want more.. when you give in. They never think about what they can do for the store.. or the business.. or us.. but everything had to be a convenience to them… or else.. we are bad ppl to work for. And it is not just the younger worker that behaves this way.. the older ones also behave the same way.

Bad attitude..and bad behaviour and work ethics ..gets this town ppl nowhere at all.. and all they do all day .. at the coffee shop is to complain. .that they can’t find a job. It isn’t that they can’t find a job.. they just do not wanna put in any effort into any job they can find.. they only want a job.. that they can sit on their asses.. and collect the money.

Why work.. when the government let you exploit them..??