Letter at 22 months

Dearest Chloe,
You are actually a few days over your 22 months birthday.. and mummy had been so busy.. with everything else.. that i had to delay writing this letter to you. I am sorry .. precious..!
At 22 months, you are so cute.. and so funny at times…. and your pixie face never fails to make mummy so happy.. you have the cutest face..and the sweetest and cheekiest smile that mummy has ever seen.
You still wouldn’t drink from the seepy cup.. although you tricked daddy into buying you another seepy cup. You still love baby food.. but love fried udon with a passion.
You love your snack of chips and cookies.. but refuses anything else.
But you’ve certainly grown much taller.. and we had to buy you new shoes.. ! in fact you are outgrowing Sarah.. and she cannot give you any more hands-me-down. Now that’s a bummer..hahha!!

You’ve grown attached to your babysitter.. and sarah.. who works for us. And you can be so naughty.. by throwing stuff at them.. but they are so good-natured.. and never scream at you at all.
You still want mummy’s attention.. pretty much every waking hour ..of your time..and insist that we all “sit” with you .. while you play.
You are sleeping much better these days.. and you do give mummy and daddy some good sleep some days. Now if only mummy and daddy learn to go to bed earlier.. like you do.. hahah!!
You still wouldn’t leave your socks on… even though it is colder now.. and the kitchen floor is cold… but your babysitter manages to keep it on.. when she is babysitting you.
You want mummy to rub your back .. when you go to sleep.. and daddy’s hand isn’t good enough… you would push daddy’s hand away.
You haven’t learnt much new words for you are just comfortable.. talking in your own language.. and pointing at stuff too. Mummy thinks..it’s because you are spoilt… and you don’t feel need to push yourself any harder.. because we get you the things before you need it… most times.
You are just so wonderful to be around.. and as much as you are demanding.. you can be so adorable.. and planting wet kisses on us .. even without us asking you to.
You also love to sleep on mummy’s bed now.. and asked to be put in bed with us.. so you can roll around for a wee bit.
And as usual.. you love to get into things that you are not supposed to.. and want things that you are not allow to have.
This halloween .. mummy wouldn’t be dressing you up.. because you wouldn’t wear anything different.. and get easily frightened by costumes.. and head-wear is a no-no.. ! for you refuses them.. wth a passion..!
But you are growing beautifully, with a strong mind of your own.. and you know.. when mummy is angry with you .. and just by raising our voices a little .. you would stop.. and then make your sulky face.. and start crying after a minute or two.. and wanna be carried or hugged.. or “sayang”. Yes.. we all think you are a spoilt brat.. but we love you all the same.. not any less.. just more.
Please continue to be happy.. and spoilt.. and healthy..! We all love you very much… princess..! Grammie, Grampie, Uncle Rich, Daddy & Mummy .. that’s the we all.. i mean.. plus all the uncles and aunties.. and godma lynn..! and especially Grand-Aunt Renette.. who shows your pictures to everyone and anyone she knows..!!
We love you.. princess..!
