Poor , Poor Baby!!

My poor baby is sick..!!! running and stuffy nose..!! Fussy the whole nite.. and been watching Simpsons since 3am this morning…. !! finally went to sleep at 5.55am..!!!
She can’t breathe too good.. . because she have a stuffy nose.. and i guess she doesn’t know what to make outta it.. ! My poor, poor Baby..!!!!
PS: I feel absolutely lousy.. coz’ i can’t bear to see my brat suffer like that.. plus i know she got sick.. because we are so busy moving.. and have to transport her up and down the store..for a long period of time.. and plus i should have told grammie not to bring her out for a walk.. because the wind is cold. So it is absolutely my fault.. that she is feeling so lousy.. and can’t breathe.. !! i have to sleep with her on the floor tonite.. because what if she has difficulty in breathing..???????????!!!!!?????????