Clever Baby

My brat has taken into lifting her bum.. when we finished putting on her diapers..and wearing her pants or shorts for her.. on the changing table. We didnt teach her that… but she has been doing it for a few weeks now.. according to Papa BoK.
So Clever eh..??
She also will clean the shelving .. or glass cabinets.. when she is at the store.. hehehe!! and that we also never taught her.. and we donch know why she is doing it. ehhehehehe!!!
So Clever eh..??
She now sleeps without needing a car ride.. and sometimes at nite.. she wants to play mummy.. because our babysitter .. Katelynn.. had to do a project with a toy baby.. that she brought along.. while babysitting my brat… 😉
So Clever . .eh..??
Hehehe..!! ok… lah.. clever enough for a week .. 😉