New Store

We have been so busy .. i don’t even have time to take a few pictures of the new store for all to see. But just to let everyone know.. that everything is working out fabulously..!!
We are getting alot busier now.. since it is Christmas.. plus of course we have loyal and great customers like Sheri and Gary, whose support to the store.. has been a tremendous boost to our ego.
I have one good worker.. and am still hoping to find another one that is just as good… or who doesn’t give us any nonsense to begin with.
The new store is cosier.. and more organised. Not only we love it.. our customers too.
I have extremely good feelings about this new place.. Papa BoK intend to work more himself.. so that we don’t lose any customers.. because of an inexperience worker.
We are still the same owners.. same store.. and selling the same things.. but for some reason .. ppl feel that this location is more professional.. hahahah!!!
Oh well.. whatever makes the customers happy i guess.. 🙂
PS: Will try and get some pictures to show everyone soon.