Boxing Day at Briar’s Lake

As a family tradition, we all head out to Briar’s Lake once a year during boxing day. Papa BoK and I never missed it except once.. due to a very unfortunate circumstances.

But with Chloe here now.. we have to keep to the traditions.. so that Chloe can meet and know all her cousins.

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This is Chloe’s cousin, Gabriel (pronounce in french please) from Toronto and his mummy, Andrea. Gabriel was a preemie and he is such a brave little boy (he had a few operations due to some complication during birth).. and so smart and so cute..! Both mummy and Gabriel are such strong ppl. It was so nice to finally meet Gabriel. Chloe had a lovely time with him. I seriously hope that Chloe and all her cousins.. can get to grow up together.. and know each other really well.

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Love Cats

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Chloe loves cats so much. .that if she doesn’t wanna get dressed to go out, all we need to say is.. “Wanna go see cats..??” and then she would get dress real quick.. to go to Grammie’s and Grampie’s.

Daily Updates – 26th Dec 2005

  • Chloe slept at 12am last nite.
  • And woke up at 2.20am, had some milky and mummy quickly hid herself, just in case she fussed up again.
  • So she went back to sleep at 3am.
  • Woke up at 10am with daddy and mummy continued sleeping.
  • Daddy bathed her while mummy cooked lunch.
  • Had some snacks after mummy woke up and had a late lunch of udon and chicken.
  • After lunch, she had some milk and we all headed up to Briar’s Lake.
  • Napped in the car on the way up to Briar’s Lake.
  • Chloe had great fun in Briar Lake and got to meet her cousin Gabriel for the first time.
  • Had dinner at Briar’s Lake but was fussy about it. Didn’t finish her food.
  • Left for home at about 8.30pm and she slept in the car on the way home.
  • Had cereal with daddy and was cleaned up and tried to put her to sleep from 11pm onwards. But she refuses to sleep and only went to bed at 2.20am.
  • Updates & Pics Soon

    Hey.. Everyone,

    I have so many photos and write up to follow up with.. and i’m gonna try and post all within the next few days.
    Christmas was really good.. and I’ve had the best christmas ever.
    Sarah’s mom came in personally to thank us for the small gift we gave her.. and that was very, very nice..!
    I am really happy .. how things turned out.. this year for Christmas.. because finally i can placed all of Papa BoK’s extended family face to a name. I have 2 great employees.. and a great babysitter.. and not only that .. my in laws are the best.. wait till i tell you what they got me for christmas..!! hahahhaha!!! greatest gift..!!
    Chloe had a great time.. and loads of love from everyone, from our employees and their extended family and customers and of course our own family. Wait till you see all the pictures i have of all her presents.. hahahah!!
    Anyhow.. i promise to update with photos and stories to tell.