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Chloe slept at 11pm last nite, not much fuss, mummy didn’t hide this time, but spend time with her so that she would wind down.
Woke up at 8am, calling for her daddy, that was cute i thought..!
Daddy gave her some milky..and changed her pee pee and she went back to sleep till 9.10am.
Had breakfast with daddy and played with daddy till mummy got up at 11am.
Daddy went back to nap.. and she had a snack.. and water with mummy. And asked for her bear-bear show.
Was naughty .. after mummy started doing the dishes.
Had salmon, potatoes.. and mushrooms.. for lunch. And some orange juice.
Daddy put her down for a nap at 2.30pm.
Didn’t sleep till almost 3pm.. and woke up at 4pm.
We head to the store, coz’ the weather was so good.. and she needed some fresh air.
Played at the store for abit.. and then came home for dinner, she had stew.
We headed out to the mall to run an errand for a customer and the weather was still good.
Fell at the carpark .. and scrapped her knees a wee bit. She was being naughty.. and didn’t wanna hold Papa’s hand while at the carpark.
Went home, had cereal.. and then Papa bathed her… coz’ mummy was very hungry… and had to cook.
Had some milky and turned down from 10.30pm.
Slept at 11.20pm.