Where Art Thou?

It’s already Spring. .and yet.. it is so freaking cold here…!

I long for warmer weather.. not only because i wanna feel the sun… but because .. enough is enough..!! our heat bill is so high.. in the store.. and at home.. it’s crazy..!!

This year.. we only heat the room.. that we are using… because Chloe is now old enough to understand that we cannot heat the whole house.. when we are not in the room. Now.. she would wear a sweater.. and a pair of sock.. when she is home. Before..!!! she wouldn’t even think of it.. therefore.. we had kept the house really warm.. when we are home.. but not anymore now.

At the store.. we heat it up as soon as we get into work.. and then turn it down.. when Chloe leaves the store.

I can’t wait for warm weather to come .. so that the kitchen, dining room..and tv room would be somewhat nice and cozy. So that i can do my housework .. without freezing my bums.