It’s Victoria’s Day today in Canada… but of course like all holidays in Canada.. and for the Canadians it starts on Friday .. the week before.
Yup.. the banks are closed.. the government office are closed.. the courts are closed.. and even the cops .. are nowhere to be seen..! On holiday too..?? hahhahaha!! Well.. maybe not all.. but i think i really donch see much cops around.. during the holidays.
And where is the Killam family..??? At the store.. working..!! where else did you think..?? Anyone owning their own business.. would know.. that there is actually not much life for us.. except to work. And since .. we have such a hard time.. hiring ppl.. or getting ppl to work on a holiday.. in which we always end up working on our own.. during the holidays.. we might as well.. not hire right..??
We are very lucky and blessed .. that we got Keegan to come in to babysit the brat.. because i am too tired.. to deal with the brat today. PB just finished some computer work at a local confectionary.. and there are a few customers in the store right now. Keegan and the lil’ brat is watching “futurama” and drawing. So i’m trying very hard to relax..!! while we have Keegan here.