Freaky Weather in May

Yup..! you guess right..!! if you have just seen my banner being changed again.. it has been raining since last nite.. and i can hear some thunder as well..!

*Sigh*!! just when you think the weather is changing warmer soon.. then “bam” .. the rain comes.. and the dreary sky.. and the works.. of course. This weather so reminds me of Scotland, Glasgow..!

Movie rentals will be good with this kinda weather.. but not many ppl wants to get outta the house.. with such nasty looking weather, and i hate seeing our customer/s coming in dripping wet.. just like Gary was .. yesterday.. and he refuses to take his jacket off.. to dry.

And yes.. ppl here donch believe in umbrellas..!! i haven’t used one since i came here.

No Tax Sale & Good Friends

We started the no tax sale today at the store.. but of course.. like usual.. the brat had to act up.. whenever .. we have something big coming up.

PB got a huge quote to finish too.. for security cameras.. to a big company here in town. And me.. my job is to try and proof-read the quote.. before he sends it out. We work as a team.. if i didn’t tell you that. I have no say.. nor buying power in the store.. and like PB had said.. during my early days here.. “i’m only owner by association” and i’m not offended by it.. i prefer it this way.. so that any major decisions is made by PB himself.. i just wanna be the woman behind his “success”. Also because as a “kiasu” Singaporean.. i donch wanna be blamed by anyone.. if things didn’t go the way he wanted it to.

Anyhow.. the brat was acting up.. and guess who came to visit.. ??? Gary..!!! our one and only loyal customer/friend. Gary has been a customer with us for almost 8 yrs.. and he is one person.. who never complains about anything..!! One of our ex-employee .. had said.. something.. really bad.. about Gary.. but we chose .. not to believe it and we are really glad we didn’t .. because as it turned out.. it was the ex-employee.. who was the “wicked” one.
Continue reading “No Tax Sale & Good Friends”

More Chinese

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As promised.. this was the second thing i ordered from our dear Mr Choo .. from the new Chinese Restaurant..! It’s a combo #1 .. and it was pretty good.. 😉 the rice and the chicken balls.. were good.. because the rice wasn’t greasy.. and the chicken balls.. had real chicken in it.. not like those from the other restaurant.

Continue reading “More Chinese”

Daily Diet

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This is my daily diet ever since coming to Canada. If you have ever been to Canada.. you would know that everyone in Canada.. love their Tim’s..!! I’ve come to love my Tim’s coffee too.. but just one cup a day.. a medium coffee one cream. I am so regular.. the girls i donch even have to tell them what i want.. they know before i order.

I tell ya.. the ppl who owns Tim’s are making big bucks.. coz’ they are more popular than Starbucks.. or Coffee Bean.. or Second Cup. Ppl here can go without alot of things.. but not their Timmy’s coffee.. 😉

Too Many Good Blogs

Did you know that there are just too many good blogs/bloggers out there..??

I love all the food bloggers from home.. i love all the parenting blogs.. i love those “ang mohs” in Hong Kong blogs. Before starting my own blog.. i never knew.. that there were so many ppl who wrote so well..!! and i’m saying really WELL.. !!! There are not many blogs that I donch like, everyone has their own distinct qualities.. and uniqueness in them. Many have become friends.. and many i owe big time.. for all their kindness shown.. for someone they haven’t even met. I remember all of them.. i assure you .. and will pay in kind even if it is not immediate.

Which once again makes me wonder.. why the ppl that i’ve met here (in person) .. are not as good..?? Perhaps if we didn’t own our own business.. it would be totally different..?? But the good thing is .. there are a few good ones.. and these few good ones.. make up for all the “wonderful” ppl that we would rather not be acquainted with at all. Continue reading “Too Many Good Blogs”

What Modesty..??

As you all know lah..! i’ve been ordering chinese.. quite a few times now.. since.. the new chinese restaurant opened.

And each time.. if i wanted something special.. i make it a point… to call the boss myself… Mr Choo.

But i got very tulan-ed.. the second time i ordered food from Mr Choo… because here i was trying to be modest ( my mother taught me manners ok..!). Dear Mr Choo had asked me how business was.. and i had replied.. “oh.. so-so” .. not as good as your lor..!!

Guess what Mr Choo’s reply was..?? “how come..?? how come .. only so-so..??? !!???”

Wah Lau Oiii..!! here i’m trying to be modest.. and not trying to steal your “thunder” .. and then you donch appreciate.. some more trying to tell me.. how to run my business..???

You Tulan-ed or not..??? I very..!! so now.. when i talked to Mr Choo.. i said.. “very good, very good..!!” when he asked me about my business..!!!


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Another chihuahua .. from the same customer/friend… and you guess right .. her name is “Twinkle”. Isn’t she cute.. ??!!!?? Like her name.. she is a star..! Donch you think..??

Continue reading “Twinkle”


I donch know if you’ve noticed.. but i haven’t password protected my entries in the last few weeks. I’m sure you all know why i did that before right..??

For the benefit of those that donch know, well, the main reason is because i lived in a very small town in Nova Scotia, population like 7,000 only. The asian population is 1%. Because it is such a small town, everyone wants to be nosed into your business. On top of it all, my spouse owns his own business.. and because of that, we’ve encountered some really “wonderful” ex-employees. My one “wonderful” neighbour is also very the “kaypoh” that makes us wanna “pengshan”. Ppl from this town who happened to “kaypoh” onto my blog would misconstrued the contents and feel and insist that i was talking about them, which i really have no time for their nonsense. I have a very active toddler to take care of, a thriving business to help my spouse run, on top of all the above.. i do work for ppl back home and i’m up to wee hours in the morning, doing that.

Continue reading “To SHIT DISTURBERS”