No Tax Sale & Good Friends

We started the no tax sale today at the store.. but of course.. like usual.. the brat had to act up.. whenever .. we have something big coming up.

PB got a huge quote to finish too.. for security cameras.. to a big company here in town. And me.. my job is to try and proof-read the quote.. before he sends it out. We work as a team.. if i didn’t tell you that. I have no say.. nor buying power in the store.. and like PB had said.. during my early days here.. “i’m only owner by association” and i’m not offended by it.. i prefer it this way.. so that any major decisions is made by PB himself.. i just wanna be the woman behind his “success”. Also because as a “kiasu” Singaporean.. i donch wanna be blamed by anyone.. if things didn’t go the way he wanted it to.

Anyhow.. the brat was acting up.. and guess who came to visit.. ??? Gary..!!! our one and only loyal customer/friend. Gary has been a customer with us for almost 8 yrs.. and he is one person.. who never complains about anything..!! One of our ex-employee .. had said.. something.. really bad.. about Gary.. but we chose .. not to believe it and we are really glad we didn’t .. because as it turned out.. it was the ex-employee.. who was the “wicked” one.

Gary played with the brat.. and looked after her .. for us.. so that we can serve a crowded store.. because of the no-tax sale. You should have seen how my face lighted up.. when i saw Gary..!! and shouted out.. “Thank God..!!” hahhaha!!

Oh yes.. we did arranged for Keegan to come in early for babysitting.. but we never expected .. the brat to act up as soon as we got into the store. Gary left soon after Keegan came and took over babysitting from Gary. One cannot help but thank God.. for good ppl like Gary. And this town does need more ppl like Gary.

Oh.. btw .. the no tax sale was quite a success..! lets hope the weekend will bring us.. a few million dollars in sale.. kekekkeke!! Well one can always wished right..?? and dream..??