Our Love, Hate Relationship with the Cat

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Yes.. this is the CAT..! not your regular pet cat.. that Boo from masak-masak loves.. 😉 but a high powered boat that carries the tourist from Maine to Y-Town., travelling at 40 knots.. it can be quite choppy .. if the water is rough.

And the reason why we have a love-hate relationship with them is because .. they re-scheduled the CAT so many times.. to currently suit the Portland and Bar Harbour businesses better. We are left with nothing .. and we are not even open .. when the Tourist comes to town. I know the negotiation had been going back and forth.. but i also know that the runs are fewer this year… and today.. i just spoke to someone influential from town.. and he too wants to migrate to the south.. since hotel occupancy is currently at 40% now. Big blow for the local business here.